New Site: Moved to WordPress CMS

We moved our site this morning to a new domain and it’s now running on WordPress. After a few issues with the redirect that central IT had to fix, it seems to be running smoothly.

There is still a lot of work to be done in terms of cleaning up content, especially since there are still many pages using tables for layout purposes (insert big cringe here). I also still need to finish going through the accessibility reports (only did the front page so far), and writing guidelines for staff. Training has still yet to happen for staff as well (since we focused on getting the site up first).

Spot the Differences

The website has actually changed very little on the front end. Think you can spot all the differences?

old home pagenew home page

I’ve made an answer key if you care to play (red = added/removed, blue = moved, orange = small difference).


I think most people will understand the rationale in going to the CMS. The move in this case was much more for internal reasons, primarily so that staff can update pages. Of course, this actually should have a positive impact (at least in theory) as staff will be assigned pages and be responsible for keeping them current. Putting this system in place should also free up time of those involved in maintaining the website to do other things.