And here’s part of the lightning talks from the library camp ed tech edition.
Software Tutorials with Animated GIFs
Alison Trumble @atrumbled
- there were many outdated video tutorials
- big drawback is that it’s very hard to skip with long intro that is irrelevant
- best to do something 30-60 seconds
- break into really short chunks using some text and animated gifs
- needed to be easily replicated for people in future, so needed free software that did not required downloading: Screener,
- many of the gifts 7-12 seconds
- drawbacks:
** gifts can be problematic because distracting
** no voiceover on what you’re pressing
** video might be better because some prefer to listen to instructions (need text version to make it accessible for screen reader)
** better to have blank frames to make it obvious where the start/end is
## XML Parsing Service
Alex Garnett @axfelix
- working on automatic tool to smartly parse into NLM3XML (pubmed format), XML, HTML, PDF
- XMLPS API – one feature: pull all the references from document
Easy as Pi! Computer Programming for Kids at the Public Library
Danielle Wing @DanielleJanineW
- barriers: limited to library resources/research, technology, cost
- created a toolkit to run program in a library, did a pilot to run at west vancouver public (may, july)
- wanted to change how children think about and use computers, break away from traditional program models
- emphasis on educational side with transferable skills
- looked at educational frameworks and used P21: Framework for 21st century learning
** learning and innovation skills: creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving
** communication and collaboration (would always work in partners)
** information, media and technology skills ( - 4 1.5 hr session through May; 12 participants (9-12 yrs), 2 instructors, 1 volunteer; 6 Raspberry Pi kits; registration filled up within 1 hr
- session plans: Sonic Pi (create music, which was a huge hit), introduction to scratch, scratch continued, group projects (python) – didn’t use half of it
- does it really fit within the library’s model? e.g. encourage reading/writing, but don’t teach reading/writing. Should we teach coding or just have space to encourage kids to play with it?
Creating a Readers’ Advisory Device (RAD)
Krista Parham, Anna Ferri, Stephanie Fan, Matthew Murray, Rebecca Lahr, Ekatarina Grugric, and Monica Swamira
- database of books that will randomly choose one when pressing a button
- very easy once got through some of the issues (e.g. bought the wrong pieces)
- worked with others e.g. UBC Rapids: created the box
- will provide documentation for hardware, code
- pulls from external file with title, author, short description
- took it to mini-makerfaire, ALA
- continuing process, where might have multiple buttons or touchscreen where you can pick based on genre or age group
Check the ASIS&T blog for more information and updates.