We had a short session on looking at how we might use webmaker in a higher education context.
- Helen Lee
Open (Free) Tools We use
- github
- firefox
- webmaker
- drupal
- wordpress/buddypress
- Linux
- Arduino
- Pinterest & other social media platforms
Why They Are Awesome
- content is shareable, reusable/remixable
- easy to use, quick to do
- creates online communities, sense of belonging
- user friendly
- low barriers
- empowers
- promote exchange of knowledge
- free
- transparent
- lots of resources
- easy access/equitable
- collaborative
- can take away the “tech fear”
- help to build confidence
- allows different entry points
- builds awareness
How We Can Incorporate Them
- use the tools for (short) projects
- good to use for demonstration
- art/social projects (e.g. commentary, parody, mashup)
- collaborative projects
- document process
- allow others to comment on work