I was super excited to finally get a Webmaker party with librarians involved, at a library conference no less! I was thankful to get some mentors from Mozilla to help us out too.
Webmaker Party: Building & Engaging a Community of Learners and Mentors
- Dethe Elza
- Cynthia Ng
Mozilla does a lot more than Firefox.
Open Badges
- comes with accreditation, and other criteria information
- backpack to show off badges you’ve earned
Hive Learning Network
- connected learning
- city by city program, started in NY and Chicago
- bringing together non-school learning, accessible to students who can map their own pathways for their own learning with the options available
- bringing together the organizers to know what each other are doing
- coming to Vancouver
Web Literacy Map
- community built tool for determining what web literacy means
- bringing agreement to this
- weekly open dialogue (you can participate!)
- provide feedback
- map to badges
Firefox OS
- next place where people are being locked in
- much like it was for the browser
- all the apps are open technologies
Science Lab
- open data and programs
- software carpentry – version data and programming for scientists, but also run workshops for others
Knight Mozilla Open News
- fellowships for embedded programmers to the newsroom
- “the source” – open repository for the code
- set of tools to help everyone be a maker of the web
- basic building blocks of the web
- what’s affected all of us
- a lot of libraries are interested in bringing in maker spaces
- easy and low barrier for libraries
- suite of tools: X-Ray Goggles (bookmarklet to explore and making their own version of a webpage), Thimble (editor for webpages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript with lots of starter makes), Popcorn (online multimedia/video editor)
- all of the published projects are remixable (people can then make a version off of another version)
Why Libraries?
- fits within mission & vision
- professional development
- have the facilities
- have the people
Why a Webmaker Party?
- easy to do
- low cost
- don’t require instructor, simply some knowledgeable volunteers
- takes little time if using existing resources, especially teaching kits and starter makes – including assessment
- flexible, allowing users to choose their learning path
- more interaction between people
Web Literacy Standard & Open Badges
- use weblit standard as assessment tool
- using standard = greater buy-in?
- can create badges that connect competencies with workshops/projects
Easy to Contribute
- create projects, teaching activities, teaching kits
- improve documentation
- discuss and send feedback
- help review material (localization on transifex, via SUMO)
- Google group, twitter: #teachtheweb
- starter makes/projects (see session etherpad)
Let’s have a Webmaker Party!
Here’s a copy of what’s on the etherpad:
Webmaker: http://webmaker.org/
Mailing list: https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/webmaker-canada-bc
How-To Tutorials
- Popcorn Tutorial: https://mozteach.makes.org/popcorn/1boj
- Goggle Activity: https://mozteach.makes.org/thimble/hack-the-web-with-the-goggles
- Thimble: start with an easy starter make, such as
- Keep Calm Poster: https://artychan.makes.org/thimble/keep-calm-and/remix
- Movie Poster: https://artychan.makes.org/thimble/movie-poster/remix
Starter Makes
Projects complete with instructions on how to personalize it. For Thimble & Popcorn https://webmaker.org/en-US/starter-makes
Thimble JavaScript
- Rainy Day: https://artychan.makes.org/thimble/a-rainy-day
- Make an Animated Poem: https://chadsansing.makes.org/thimble/LTE0NDgyODAwNjQ=/make-a-beautiful-animated-poem
- Hack a Holiday Card: https://techkim.makes.org/thimble/let-it-snow
- Make a ToDo App: https://mopaxian.makes.org/thimble/my-handy-todo-app
Teaching Kits
Tutorial: https://webmaker.org/teach-templates
- Cultural RemixJam (Tate Britain): https://keyboardkat.makes.org/thimble/cultural-remixjam
- 23 Webmaking Ideas for Libraries: https://mozillarian.makes.org/thimble/23-webmaking-things-for-libraries
- Web Literacy Standard for Libraries (incomplete): https://jennierose.makes.org/thimble/web-literacy-standard-for-libraries
What Did You Do Today?
Whether complete or not, please share the projects that you have created today with us!
- https://hihi.makes.org/thimble/LTkxMTE0NzAwOA==/keep-calm-and
- https://jsamson.makes.org/thimble/LTEwMTE4MTAzMDQ=/keep-calm-and
- https://sarahstang.makes.org/thimble/LTg3NzU5MjU3Ng==/postcard-for-cynthia
- https://transparentdreaming.makes.org/thimble/LTc5MzcwNjQ5Ng==/keep-calm-and
- https://jju.makes.org/thimble/LTgyNzI2MDkyOA==/goodbye-world
- https://jju.makes.org/thimble/LTkyNzkyNDIyNA==/get-excited-and-make-things
- https://sunnin.makes.org/thimble/LTcyNjU5NzYzMg==/keep-calm-and-ask-a-librarian
- https://mrs_schafer.makes.org/thimble/LTY3NjI2NTk4NA==/meme-maker
- https://yawa.makes.org/thimble/LTg5NDM2OTc5Mg==/keep-calm-and
- https://jsamson.makes.org/thimble/LTY1OTQ4ODc2OA==/postcard-for-emily
- https://transparentdreaming.makes.org/thimble/LTYyNTkzNDMzNg==/movie-poster
- https://sfeddespublic.makes.org/popcorn/1wiz
- http://wingdj.makes.org/goggles/wingdjs-remix-of-homepage-west-vancouver-memorial-library
- http://thirstylibrarian.makes.org/goggles/thirstylibrarians-remix-of-gt-hello-world-2014-bcla-conference-
- http://ukestler.makes.org/goggles/ukestlers-remix-of-david-suzuki-foundation-solutions-are-in-our-nature