REST IS Your Mobile Strategy
- Richard Wolf, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Slides
- Raw Material
- Representational State Transfer – a methodology developed alongside HTTP 1.1
- clients request representations of resources from servers – typically a document
- basically turns into an API
- New York Times – Congress API
- Chicago Transit
iOS Development
- need to know: Xcode, Objective-C, Cocoa Touch, Provisioning
- Xcode – Apple developer, like Visual Studio or Eclipse
- Objective-C – strict superset of C
- Cocoa Touch – frameworks to talk to iOS, similar to RubyRails
- UIKit
- Provisioning Portal – annoying paperwork
OCLC Classify API
- give it an item, tell you how it’s classified including call number
- Use Rested -MAC tool,grabs API information, and provides you the raw output
- Xcode – create a new basic project
- go from XML to Objective-C
- use RestKit – maps XML to Objective-C
- use PaintCode – create GUI
- hire an artist
- Apple App Review Process
Librobot App
- in the store by April 2nd
Why REST Matters – What are the Major Milestones
- math formula – importance of technology can be determined by the amount of money involved in a court case
- Personal Computers
- The Internet
- Mobility
- Build an API – ask for ideas, and apps will come.
Take Away
- you have interesting data
- make an API
- If we build it, they will come for it!
All Teh Metadatas Re-Revisited
- Esme Cowles, UC San Diego Library
- Matt Critchlow, UC San Diego Library
- Bradley Westbrook, UC San Diego Library
Continues the story from last year.
- more consistent data
- maintain syntax of hierarchical subjects
- improve support for complex objects
- align more strongly with the digital libraries community – most important
User Stories
- to understand requirements of administration and researchers
Sorry, I had to take a brain break and got a little lost. I’m also going to blame twitter and IRC for distracting me. Take a look at the slides:
- DAMS Repository – new version of lightweight repository, with APIs
- Manager – separate and uses the API
- Public Access System – new frontend in Hydra, great community
- release in summer
- code now available on Github
Browser/Javascript Integration Testing with Ruby
- Jessie Keck, Stanford University
- Slides
The Problem
- needed to test JavaScript
- especially since using progressive enhancement
- site works without JavaScript, then more features with JavaScript
- mistakes happen e.g. killed navigation,
Some Solution(s)
- Watir == Web Application Testing in Ruby
- built on watir-webdriver
- Capybara – RSpec/Cucumber driver
- ability to test responsive design
- webkit integration available
- personally like Capybara syntax (vs. Watir)
- automated test that there is JavaScript bug e.g. automatically test that facets working
- might want to use Watir Rails
- transactional fixtures
Linked Open Communism: Better discovery through data dis- and re- aggregation
- Corey A Harper, New York University
How to shut up about linked data and actually build something.
- context, the narrative of the library/archive
- user stories
Death of Browse
- discovery systems don’t use authority control
- browse broken as UI design
- rich data in authorities disconnected
The Idea Implemented
- take EAD records, blow them up, take headings to match MARC records
- pull people, coporations, and topic – pull info from DBpedia
- index in Solr
- slower than would like
- On Github but is buggy
Solr Update
- Erik Hatcher, LucidWorks
Sorry, but we don’t use Solr, and anyone really interested I think can look up information the update. e.g. Apache Solr Release Notes
Check out the slides:
Break Time

Ask Anything
Who’s faculty? Half Faculty – small handful who care about being faculty
Planing and pilot phase of bringing together all resources of types. How to decide what to use and where to start?
Normalizing records from MARC to Solr. Want help with format.
How many have library degrees? 2/3 do, 1/3 don’t
Code4Lib – archiving our stuff? Talk to Mark/anarchivist. Mailing list is archived on the university server. Mirrored on post. Regular basis, dumped to media forward.
Goals of BIBFRAME? Replacing/superseding MARC.
First-timers to c4lcon? majority of room. All? < 20
Anyone collecting social media on behalf of user community or collection building purposes? Going to be a lightning talk tomorrow.
Anyone from a theology library? ~5 ppl
Want to know successful examples of gamification to support information literacy by @maccabeelevine e.g. Lemontree
Glossary of technology and stacks. On code4lib wiki? A guide for the perplexed. We can work on it.
Who is using graph databases? 2-3 ppl
Using DSpace? 25-30 FedoraCommons? 25-30 Hydra? 10-15
This conference working for you? Almost everyone.
What do people think of the wiki? One idea is to move it over to github code4lib account.
From the federal government? 3
Anyone interested in integrated TSM into Solr? anarchivist says he knows people
How many non-library degree people considering getting one? 2
How many have project managers as their title? ~12 Public? 5 Academic? rest
CodeRead – looking at PyMARC (sp?). Anyone else looking into this?
Didn’t get all the questions, but that’s most of them.