Session on getting material out within 24 hours.
Sam Moore; Technical Services Associate; Kansas Public Library
43 schools, 2015-16 schol year the schools became fully outsourced, 2-5 months between ordering and shelf, now 2-3 weeks, work previously done by 2 people, now all done by 1 person who only deal with ordering, invoicing, and materials outside their budget.
Outsourced to Baker & Taylor. 100% for schools, 80% in public library system, otherwise Ingram, CVS Midwest
Technical Services Department
decentralized selection: 52 selectors moving to centralized collection developent with 2-3 selectors; centralized ordering/processing
ten staff member:
- supervisor,
- 2 cataloguers,
- public acquisitions & processing (1 Av and 1 Book),
- acquisitions 3.5;
- schools: acq & processing 1.5
facing realities:
- people want their content quicker,
- what people want is changing,
- budget cuts,
- staff downsizing
- disconnect from public; easy to forget what users are asking for. What is best for the user?
Quest for 24
Goal: Get material handling down to 24 hours of receiving.
Challenges/pain points
- selection
- past: broken down by branches, at branch level totalling 52 selectors; often not ordered together
- moving to: 3 person centralized collections team: Adult Fic, Adult Non-Fic, Youth
- still thinking about how to streamline ordering
- receiving:
- invoicing: having to had type in all invoices line by line. Solution: EDI ordering: invoices go in overnight into ILS Acquisitions module. Also first step to outsourcing
- Processing AV
- before it would take 2-3 weeks to reach branches
- 2012: partial processing; minus cataloguing and spine labels; down to 2-4 days
- 2014 full cataloguing and processing, records downloaded by staff, acquisitions receive and send, less than 24 hours
- Processing books
- acquisitions staff couldn’t process adds
- used to use sheets 48 spine labels on sheets
- one person processed all adds and catalogued materials
- cataloguing
- outsourcing AV records
- still cataloguing original AV; down to 2 weeks
- TS reports via BlueCloud Analytics
- material time studies; no artificially rushed books
- weekly hold list to a daily holds list
- more outsourcing
- non-fiction cataloguing?
- book processing?
- Audiobook outsourcing?
- cataloguing changes
- outsourcing?
- restructuring cataloguing?