To collect social media data (especially Twitter), researchers are doing this manually (possibly by proxy).
Some paid options to collect the data:
- DataSift
- Gnip
- Topsy
Friendly, but not cheap, and more than what we need. Still need tools to collect, process, etc.
What researchers ask for:
- specific users, keywords
- historic time periods
- basic values: user, date, text, counts
- delimited files to import
We can do this free with APIs.
Built Social Feed Manager with features
- Users by Item Count with temporal graphs
- Details on user
- can export to CSV files
- hashtag queries by 10 minutes
- search function with 1000
Free on github
- python/django
- user timelines, filter, sample, search
- simple display with export for user timelines
Leaves out:
- historical tweets
- tweets beyond last 3200
By @dchud
More notes on the Access 2012 live blog.