- Doris Lovadina-Lee,
- Aileen Farray,
- Lies Weijs, Ryerson Library
Historical Overview
- AACR from 1967, AACR2 from 1978
- mostly print based
- AACR3 development began in mid-90s
Proposed Changes
- efficient and easier
- new media types e.g. mp3
- more compatible with other standards
- more international, not so anglo
- become a metadata standard so other organizations can use it
- web-based, interactive interface for presenting information
Beginning of RDA
- renamed from AACR3 to RDA because new concept
- new relationships between parts of metadata
- help users find, identify, select and obtain items
- based on FRBR (by IFLA)
FRBR Vocabulary
- entities – class of things e.g. works, people
- relationships – association among entities e.g. between 2 works, works and people
- attributes – characteristics of entities
- Work: realize through – intellectual/artistic content
- Expression: embodied in – kind of work e.g. French translation, audiobook
- Manifestation: exemplified by – format
- Item – specific copy
- new cataloguing standard
- compatible with AACR2
- flexible for future
- short term will be small changes
- when describing supporting user tasks reflects what data, how
- no more latin e.g. [s.n.] -> publisher not identified
- don’t introduce abbreviations e.g. ill. -> illustration
- can look in whole book, not just specific parts of item
- see more detailed information, fewer square brackets
- take what you see, accept what you find (faithful representation) e.g. spelling error, can make note of it
- option to put every creator name, or specific number of others
- GMD gets to go, because unclear, can mean more than one format e.g. sound recording = audiobook or mp3 file?
- 3 new RDA elements
- content type: how to perceive it e.g. 2D
- media type: e.g. video
- carrier type: breaks down media type further, where that thing you use is housed e.g. videodisc
- not being displayed in catalogue, yet
RDA Implementation
- started in-house in 1993, using AACR2 then AACR2 Update, now RDA
- 2 librarians and 6 cataloguers – extensive training weekly, using exercises from LC
- July 1, 2013 – stop adding AACR records
- in-house policies record on staff intranet
- current software (Millenium) allow implementation
- no recon project, but looking at global updates
- LC Policy Statements for all cataloguers to review
Hybrid Environment
- catalogue/database: AACR and RDA records
- record: AACR2 description and RDA access points
- probably add new fields (content, media, carrier types) to generate format icons
- finding a lot of records coming in from vendors are hybrid records
- all libraries will need to work on these issues
- implementation is a constant work in progress