UPDATED: June 14, 2013
Okay, so I’ve updated this post to something that actually works and with a real example. Continue reading “Adding HTML Attribute Exceptions to WordPress KSES”
Stories from my Life as a Technologist
UPDATED: June 14, 2013
Okay, so I’ve updated this post to something that actually works and with a real example. Continue reading “Adding HTML Attribute Exceptions to WordPress KSES”
After 8 months, I have finally finished with WordPress development. I definitely learnt a lot, especially in terms of how the back end works and some more PHP.
The most important one:
know more PHP than I did.
Admittedly, I knew very little. While I have some experience programming, I only took a 2 day course in PHP. Not having to look up every little thing would have saved me invaluable time.
The other big one was definitely:
know more WordPress.
The documentation is obviously written for programmers (in most cases, those familiar with WordPress). So once again, I spent a lot of time looking things up. In this case, it was even more difficult because I usually had to rely on a couple of different tutorials and piece things together, making things work through trial and error.
Of course, I didn’t have much choice. And if there is one really good way to learn something is to be thrown into it, and make it happen.
WordPress could really use some improvements though. One area is definitely in the plugins area. There is little to no cooperation between plugin authors, so there may be anywhere from zero to fifty plugins that do similar things, but all work differently and are of varying quality.
One of the reasons I’ve been posting a lot of plugins review is not only for my own records, but in the hopes that it’ll save other people time from looking through the mass amount of plugins. Unfortunately, because plugins come and go like the wind, plugin reviews become out of date very quickly.
The one other thing I wish WordPress would improve is their search. While the site search uses Google, the plugin search is pretty bad and so is the internal built-in WordPress search. For the plugin search, you cannot refine your search in any way, and the sorting doesn’t seem to work properly.
The built-in WordPress site search (and dashboard pages/posts search) is also pretty bad. It’s organized by date and there is a plugin that allows you to sort by title, but it does full text searching and does no relevance ranking whatsoever. If it even did the minimum of “do these words match words in the title, if yes, put those higher” then that alone would be a huge improvement.
While I think WordPress is a great platform (and it’s open source!), there is definitely room for improvement and may not be the right platform for everyone. In comparison, for example, I get the impression that Drupal has a more cooperative and supportive community with better plugin support and development. On the other hand, I find WordPress easier to teach users.
If I had to do it again, I would definitely have taken the time to learn more about the overall WordPress framework and how different parts fit into the puzzle before diving into making the theme.
I ended up playing around with the CSS some more too to make the form even smaller, but I was also asked to change the form fields and decided to put in some placeholders. While the WordPress documentation for comment_form is pretty good, the example doesn’t clearly tell you how to change form fields. It’s possible I find it less than intuitive because I’m not a programmer.
In my case, I wanted to change the title from “Leave a Reply” to “Leave a Comment”. I also wanted to change the form fields to have placeholder text and make the comments box smaller.
If you only want to change it in the one file, you can specify the new values just above where you call comment_form().
Let’s start with changing the easy stuff. Much like the WordPress example, just make an array with whichever values you would like to change from the default, and call the comment_form function with your array, which in this example, the form header and comment field are changed.
//for long defaults, such as the comment_field, I suggest copy/pasting the default and then modifying it
$comments_args = array(
‘title_reply’ => ‘Leave a Comment’,
‘comment_field’ => ‘<p><label for=”comment”>’ . _x( ‘Comment’, ‘noun’ ) . ‘</label><textarea id=”comment” name=”comment” placeholder=”Eggy approves!” cols=”45″ rows=”4″ aria-required=”true”></textarea></p>’
Changing the other fields makes things a tad more complicated. For other fields, you need to specify another array, then apply your new values in the comments array.
//required variables for changing the fields value
$commenter = wp_get_current_commenter();
$req = get_option( ‘require_name_email’ );
$aria_req = ( $req ? ” aria-required=’true'” : ” );//name the array whatever you want; I strongly suggest copy/pasting the default then modifying it
$new_fields = array(
‘author’ => ‘<p>’ . ‘<label for=”author”>’ . __( ‘Name’ ) . ‘</label> ‘ . ( $req ? ‘<span>*</span>’ : ” ) .
‘<input id=”author” name=”author” type=”text” placeholder=”Eggy the Ram” value=”‘ . esc_attr( $commenter[‘comment_author’] ) . ‘” size=”30″‘ . $aria_req . ‘ /></p>’,
’email’ => ‘<p><label for=”email”>’ . __( ‘Email’ ) . ‘</label> ‘ . ( $req ? ‘<span>*</span>’ : ” ) .
‘<input id=”email” name=”email” type=”text” placeholder=”eggytheram@ryerson.ca” value=”‘ . esc_attr( $commenter[‘comment_author_email’] ) . ‘” size=”30″‘ . $aria_req . ‘ /></p>’,
//in this case, we’re applying filters, so it changes all the values. If ‘url’ is not specified, then it gets removed.
);$comments_args = array(
‘fields’ => apply_filters( ‘comment_form_default_fields’, $new_fields ),
‘title_reply’ => ‘Leave a Comment’,
‘comment_field’ => ‘<p><label for=”comment”>’ . _x( ‘Comment’, ‘noun’ ) . ‘</label><textarea id=”comment” name=”comment” placeholder=”Eggy approves!” cols=”45″ rows=”4″ aria-required=”true”></textarea></p>’
For a full list of default values in comment_form(), take a look at the Codex Function Reference.
To change the fields for all comment forms, meaning it will change the default values and will be applied whenever you call comment_form(), you can change the defaults using a filter in the functions.php file.
//name it whatever you want
function alter_comment_form($new_defaults) {//required variables for changing the fields value
$commenter = wp_get_current_commenter();
$req = get_option( ‘require_name_email’ );
$aria_req = ( $req ? ” aria-required=’true'” : ” );//name the array whatever you want
$new_fields = array(
‘author’ => ‘<p>’ . ‘<label for=”author”>’ . __( ‘Name’ ) . ‘</label> ‘ . ( $req ? ‘<span>*</span>’ : ” ) .
‘<input id=”author” name=”author” type=”text” placeholder=”Eggy the Ram” value=”‘ . esc_attr( $commenter[‘comment_author’] ) . ‘” size=”30″‘ . $aria_req . ‘ /></p>’,
’email’ => ‘<p><label for=”email”>’ . __( ‘Email’ ) . ‘</label> ‘ . ( $req ? ‘<span>*</span>’ : ” ) .
‘<input id=”email” name=”email” type=”text” placeholder=”eggytheram@ryerson.ca” value=”‘ . esc_attr( $commenter[‘comment_author_email’] ) . ‘” size=”30″‘ . $aria_req . ‘ /></p>’,
//in this case, we’re applying filters, so it changes all the values. If ‘url’ is not specified, then it gets removed.
);$new_defaults[‘fields’] = apply_filters(‘comment_form_default_fields’, $new_fields); //changing default fields to the new values in your array
$new_defaults[‘comment_field’] = ‘<p><label for=”comment”>’ . _x( ‘Comment’, ‘noun’ ) . ‘</label><textarea id=”comment” name=”comment” placeholder=”Eggy approves!” cols=”45″ rows=”4″ aria-required=”true”></textarea></p>’;$new_defaults[‘title_reply’] = ‘Leave a Comment‘; //changes the form header text
return $new_defaults;
}add_filter(‘comment_form_defaults’, ‘alter_comment_form‘); //basically tells it to replace the existing defaults with your new defaults value (where applicable)
If you only want to change the fields or if you want to do it separately from the comments_form_defaults (especially if only changing one field), then you can set new values in a similar way to the new defaults, say:
function alter_comment_form_fields($new_fields) {
return $fields;
add_filter(‘comment_form_default_fields’, ‘alter_comment_form_fields‘); //make sure to use comment_form_default_fieldsNote: In this case, since we’re using the add_filter for the fields (instead of apply), it will only change the values specified.
Since this example only changes the url field, I could’ve actually used the specific field filter (i.e. comment_form_field_url) instead. Near the bottom of the Codex Function Reference page is a list of filter hooks related to comment_form.
As I mentioned, I edited the CSS further since my last post on editing the TwentyEleven comment form, so now it’s even smaller. It’s now 124px shorter and 84px less wide than my last version for a total of 367px shorter (and 84px less wide).
I was also recently reading about adding ‘character’ or ‘personality’ to a website and thought having fun placeholder text would be one small way to do that. (Eggy the Ram is the university’s mascot.)
So this term, I decided to take the 1-credit Introductory PHP course, LIBR 599P.
It’s so hard to digest such complex information in two full day classes though the first day especially was done well. I really do think it’d be nice to have instead a more advanced HTML/CSS plus introduction to JavaScript, PHP/MySQL or something similar. Full day classes just don’t work with programming of any sort. It takes a lot of time to digest especially when the topic is new and you may have not so tech-savvy students taking the class. I’m really thankful that I have enough of a background to easily grasp what she taught plus everything that Mike also taught in addition when I posed questions on the methodology used in completing my assignments.
I admit right up front that I could have put more effort into the content and making it look pretty, but I had so many other assignments due around the same time that I focused more on writing good code while following assignment and instructor specifications.
Please note that the e-mail function is blocked on the SLAIS servers, but I did test it on an e-mail enabled PHP server and both work.