Afternoon of lightning talks
Data Visualization for Navigating on a Sea of Linked Data
F. Tim Knight
- e.g. CKN data cloud
- how do we figure out where we are?
- what ideas do you have?
- feel like out of space because don’t have a document as context
- Microsoft Academic: visualization of collaboration between authors
- visualization based on FRBR model
- do have to start at a node somewhere
- reference to Cory Harper’s code4lib national talk
Syncing Zotero with WebDav
David Fiander
- limit to 200-300 articles if using Zotero storage
- but if support WebDAV e.g. to sync articles/docs over the cloud
How to Talk to Tech People About Tech Problems
Liam Whalen
- Do you have specific requests?
- building a new system: determine outcomes, what will the system do? can you describe some of these things?
- tech person should probe into any ambiguities [kind of like a reference interview!]
- Why does this happen? sometimes technologists disconnected from the people they are trying to help, sometimes too focused on problem
- ultimately own responsibility, but in the non-technologists’ interests to take an active role in helping to design systems
- nothing is impossible, just sometimes impractical, and changes later will take a lot of time
- computational conversation: approach with having thought about the conversation before hand, and try to cover everything
What will a Next-Generation Library System Be?
MJ Suhonos
- needs to be an integration platform: not just a discovery layer, description layer, indexing layer, etc.
- have all these systems that don’t talk to each other
- need to integrate them, but nothing that exists to do it
- need to make things simpler
- consolidate metadata silos reduce duplication and legacy systems
- unify description and discovery eliminate cross-walking, batch-loading, etc.
- improve choice
- need to make specialized systems that are good at what they do, but are easy to stitch together
- vendors have the monolithic system that is a big black box to take care of everything
- every institution have their own way to describe, which is fine, but need a system that can handle that
- control over “catalogue enhancements”
- moving libraries forward
- allow multiple concurrent standards – might facilitate the transition to RDA without MARC?
- few tools that span what we do now with linked data
- be able to share library’s data in a web-friendly way
- need something that we can play and tweet, that is low risk
- features: multiple schemas, hierarchy display, everything in real time, responsive interface, facets are dynamic while searching, a little breaky breaky (at the moment)
Passpack and Yubikey
Dale Askey
- need to be able to share passwords securely because of shared services
- two factor authentication with Yubikey (physical usb device)
- can share specific people to specific passwords
- can set encryption type for each password
- collaborative password to share outside of the institution as well