Part 1 of the morning lightning talks at Code4LibBC 2015.
Fun & Games with APIs, Calvin Mah, SFU
- SFU just launched to the official iOS app, driven by the new CIO
- included view computer availability under the library tab
- amazing, because library was not consulted
- library has robust API to disseminate information:
- was thinking of playing around with the data
- Chrome extension mashup to pull serial costs data right into the catalogue display
- uses api, ~80 lines of JS
- uses JSONView and Advanced REST Client
- saw an extension called Dockercraft: Docker is virtualization technology to trade whole stacks to run apps; Dockercraft uses Minecraft server to manage docker instances
Semi-Automated Editing Metadata and MARC Records, Cynthia Ng, BCLC
Go see my blog post
CPSLD + SQL = positive fun!, Trevor Smith, Douglas College
- every year post-secondary institutions in BC submit yearly stats to CPSLD
- good snapshot about library, and good comparison
- problem: only do stats once a year, do them the same last year?, stats are text descriptions, how do you translate them through ILS?
- description e.g. LP records, cassettes, CD
- instructions at local institution included count material based on location; mix counting bibs and items
- each step required: query, export to excel, parse, and more; repeat
- idea: took the training, no idea what to do with it, got tired with list
- solution: take the steps (that were previously lists) and translate them into SQL
- someone has already been doing this (Brent at Langara did it, and shared it)
- had to review other commands in SQL (e.g. case, cast, rename, joins)
- at Cap, used similar location code taxonomy, but at Douglas used different location taxonomy
- re-worked SQL, and now can run monthly
- next steps: share with CPSLD community, document so anyone can use it
Project Documentation with Sphinx – Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love reStructuredText, Dan Gillean, Artefactual
- background: AtoM, web based open application for description; was built with the idea that core in Qubit, and with different themes e.g. ICA, digital collections builder
- 1 project, 3 wikis, 4 themes
- no versioning in wikis (e.g. ICA 1.2, 1.3)
- no enforced structure; too easy to create orphan page, no easy output to other formats
- SPHINX = documentation generator, open source, created by Python community, building on reStructured Text (markup lang), docutils (converter)
- advantages: structured documentation (built around table of contents), versioning, easy output to other formats, themes, readthedocs hosting, automated indices, lot of support for code representation, extras: glossary, footnotes, etc.
- wikis still have their uses: release notes, user list, community resources, development documentation
- Sphinx for user and admin manual
Oral History in your Institutional Repository: Yes You Can!, Holly Hendrigan, SFU
- 28 interviews so far
- TechBC memory project
- migrating digital content to islandora
- OHMS oral history metadata synchroniser used by many
- islandora also has an oral history module
- maximize oral history by allow text search and allow clips to be played
- trying to find ways to make oral history more accessible and fun