Day 2 of Code4libBC lightning talks!
A Coal Miner’s History: Mapping Digitized Audio Interviews (Daniel Sifton)
- digitized audio interviews of coal miners
- need to build support and resources for class use
- built tool to visualize distribution of subjects in d3
- maps of base locations using mapping tool and a lot of CSS with student summaries of essays
- challenges: Ministry has mining database, which showed discrepancy; moved to shared, hosted IR; scope
- future work: IR essay collection, Geo-names, IIIF A/V Spec
Introduction to Docker (James Fournie)
- track gauges and docks: have all this type of stuff, but have to get it moved via transport
- the solution: a shipping container, completely standardized
- tech world has the same kind of issue: how do we get the dev environment into QA/test machines then into the production environment?
- How do we make sure our testing environments are the same? What about when different people are using different applications? How do we get it into the cloud?
- Docker is the solution!
- docker container is like a VM but different: instead of VM and hypervisor with simulated machines and emulated hardware; have docker engine and containers using cgroups isolating and constraining processes
- also much faster startup time
- dockerfile: install apps and add files
- build docker turns it into an image
- docker image can be pushed to registry, downloaded and shared
- build once and run many times!
- can build layers e.g. python base with plugins as second layer
- can do load balancing
- redhat and Microsoft investing heavily in docker
- Microsoft has Windows server that can run docker containers
- the bad: docker containers are platform dependent, dockerhub has no indication of trust, orchestration can get very complex, logging is bad, networking is not quite ready to be used in a serious way
- may not be quite ready for production, but great for testing
Makers Making Change (Chad Leaman)
- bridge divide between those with disabilities and not
- trying to tap into the growth of maker community, and looking at how this can create assistive technology, bridge these communities to have social impact
- example: mouth controller with 3D printed pieces with bluetooth connector and arduino board in order to interact with mobile devices; can be built in a day
- also trying to build catalogue of open source and maker projects of assistive technology
- Makers Making Change
- want to work with libraries to: promote initiative, meeting place, 3D printing resources, create user groups
MediaConch: A Video Format Validation Tool for Archivematica (Sarah Romkey)
- came out of PREFORMA challenge: gain full control over technical properties of digital content intended for long term preservation
- MediaConch: implementation and policy checker for Matroska and FFV1 files, implementing in Archivematica
- makes use of Format Policy Registry (FPR) wihch contains commands to run MediaConch to validate and check local policies
- output to a METS file stored in Archivematica
- integration used behaviour-driven development for a shared process to collaborate using a ubiquitous language, and stressing automation
- using feature file with statements that describe scenario
- clients can write their own feature files
- archivematica now has new job to validate preservation files, implementation of MediaConch, policy checks for derivatives, MediaConch output information in METS file
A Single Page Web App to Inventory 900,000 Books! (Terry Brady)
- possible actions: no action, re-shelve, metadata services for correction, access services for correction
- colour coded scheme for actions
- step 1: scanning (using barcode sent to web service using AJAX, lookup occurs in ILS, data is returned, pop-up wit basic information)
- step 2: evaluation item: if error, flag for sending to specific teams
- step 3: reshelve if applicable
- step 4: save work sends post inventory as CSV, Google App Script parses CSV and create Google Sheet, etc.
- step 5: evaluation and bulk update: group items by error, then bulk correct records
- inventory session save to browser if move away from page; has offline mode
- challenges: did not want to re-create the ILS, data persists only in ILS, inventory files if retaine dwill be managed by Access Services
- process is underway and going well, great collaboration and learning
- code is on GitHub
UX Design of a Research Data Management Microsite (Jessica Gallinger)
- looked at peer sites including UBC and UofA
- the learning module is very linear
- how to get it for people to be willing to come back and can find what they want
- survey respondents, and few internviews
- have evidence on usefulness of workshop and web app
- feature list created
- done early mockups and prototypes and round 1 of usability testing with basic navigation tasks, and scenarios based on survey of worst parts of existing page
- future directions: survey to larger population, test with later prototype, workshop template, icons to make less text heavy, test order of pages, test across disciplines
- take away: value of paper prototyping
Islandora On This Day module (Mark Jordan)
- seeing slices of data based on grouping or queries
- idea comes from digital collection where page shows all the cartoons that were published on a specific day
- did the same thing in a Drupal module based on date field in MODS from Islandora
- typically sorted in chronological order, but may be quite long (40-50 items) and may mix collections
- users can subscribe via RSS feed
- JSON values outputted for other uses beyond the simple HTML page
- to do: provide more interesting and interactive timeline viewers, allow users to choose date, options for filters to limit number per collection another constraints controlled by admin
- need good, complete metadata in order to make use of these tools
End of Lightning Talks
That’s the end of the lightning talks. Thanks to all the great presenters, and hope to see you next year on the island!