After some opening remarks, we got into the conference. The opening keynote by the executives to talk a bit about the direction for the new years.
Connecting to a Bright Future
The focus in the next years is to put the spotlight on libraries with the message “Power of Libraries”. Embedding your library as a Community Anchor; ebook available from marketing team.
After the ICV takeover in ownership, has allowed SD to be more flexible. We’ve been listening. Been listening through library relations managers (conferences, emails, visits), R&D (primarily through strategic program), and support.
5 most popular add-ons successful: Visibility, eResource, Analytics, Enterprise, MobileCirc. Also increased webinars, self-paced courses, support portal. Continuing to increase partner, library, and content connections; made possible by APIs and Web Services.
Library Perceptions Report by Marshall Breeding shows increased satisfaction with Horizon and Symphony and SD over the last few years. Hope that the survey has impact to be taken seriously and that vendors take it to heart.
New solutions: BLUEcloud Mobile (same options as app), Analytics (bundled services, more price options), Digital academy (digital content delivered via catalogue with unlimited use with records loaded into ILS).
The library is the heart of the community helping us develop new skills, get a fresh start, make ideas happen, and continue learning throughout our lives. The connections the library create help the local community thrive. Encouraged to use the video, which can be downloaded from the website.
Product strategic focus: Big data, engaging users, influence of libraries, connectable and extensible, partnerships
BlueCloud Analytics
partnered with MicroStrategy to build analytics platform. Data includes circulation, cataloguing, user, etc. Now done by a focused Analytics team.
Tiers and services are new to make the service more flexible. Divided by tiers: Essentials, Plus, Pro. New features: report catalogue, which can be chosen an delivered to inbox; Flash dependency removed; adding acquisitions and serials.
BlueCloud Mobile
New user experience. Enterprise responsive design, new mobile app. Partnered with Solus. Use ILS Web Services for My Account access, integration with eRC, Search, Commerce, calendar events, push notifications, digital library card.
BlueCloud Visibility
Exposes catalogue to search engines. Partnered with zepheira. Can use the data in the catalogue to answer users’ questions have via search engines. Making use of the BIBFRAME framework to expose MARC records as BIBFRAME resources.
BlueCloud Acquisitions
Partnered with Libraries of South Australia. Saved money by reducing staff time required for acquisitions processing. Phase 2 Pilot by end of year.
BlueCloud Circulation
Partnered via Strategic Partner Program. Focused on checkout, checkin, renewal, holds. Can search for items, with status, stats. Can use Mentor self-paced course, and training guide. Coming up: automated tasks, fines, alerts, receipts.
That’s the end of the opening session.