We got a bunch of presentations from both SD and a couple of presentations from libraries.
COSUGI Updates
Rick Branham, VP, Pre-Sales Solutions; Steve Donoghue, Senior Library Relations Manager; Tom Walker, Executive Accounts Manager
Striving to listen to what customers want, and branding/marketing focus on customers and libraries. Popular “add-on” products: Enterprise, MobileCirc, Visibility, eResource Central, Analytics.
Lots of training material: webinars, self-paced classes, etc.
All new products based on APIs and Web Services. BLUECloud modules are all available without migration. Open LSP that connects with ILS by building REST Web Services.
Roadmap: Available unless otherwise marked
- Staff: Analytics, Cataloguing, Central, Circulation, MobileCirc, Acquisitions (in development), Course Reserves (in development), Booking (design phase), Serials (design phase)
- Connections (3rd party): Commerce, eResource Central, eResource Management, ILL, Lists (in development), CloudSource (in development), Campus Connection (design phase), Single (Remote) Sign-on uses CAS (in development)
- Discovery: BookMyne, Enterprice, PAC, Portfolio, Social Library
- Jetstream: SD AWS, will move all datacenters by end of 2017; 2018 will offer BLUEcloud as an on-premise solution using JetStream
BLUECloud Discovery
- Enterprise: discovery platform, being rebranded as BLUECloud Discovery. Advantages: features of discovery layer (vs. OPAC) including e-content, in-house created digital assets and uploaded documents (with OCR and sets), z39.50 targets, digital academy, 3rd party widgets, CMS (Drupal component), Lists (course, patron, community), authentication
- beginning to provide services for the platform (have SD do it for you based on list of offerings)
- Digital Academy: online resources from various content partners
- Lists: course based, subject, by year
- Authentication: SIP2, LDAP, Active Directory, Web Service
- research starter (EBSCO product that provides encyclopedic type entries)
- working on bento box style results page
- enterprise default theme now responsive
- working on room booking UI to integrate with Symphony booking module
- integration of relais ILL
- BlueCloud Mobile for public app. Special features: linked accounts, account barcodes, library location and if open/hours, store payments (Propay/BLUECloud Commerce), self-service checkout, preferences: notifications, icon order, calendar integration, language
- Lists: integrated into Enterprise, course lists: coming first, sections, created within BlueCloud Central (can search different areas) or bookmarklet; displays of list: browse, or see own lists; pilot 2017, release 2018
- Syndetics: reviews, tags, profile, awards, shelf browsing
- Disqus: user comments
- custom widgets: allow for lightbox, etc.
BlueCloud Staff Modules
- Acquisitions: cloud based only, profiles for limits/preferences, only connection to ILS is create bibs/items, funds, accounts, contacts, selections, templates for selections, invoices need to be imported at the moment, receiving
- Analytics: runs on pre-harvested data, MicroStrategy 10 engine, working on Acquisitions and Serials and Collections Development (alternative to CollectionHQ), import data (from file, odbt, SQL scripts), subscriptions, notices (custom documents and export in preferred format), can create custom documents or reports, new reports catalogue: 3 tier pricing
- Circulation: initial release, search either user or item, can see holdings, users, place holds from either, register user
- Symphony staff client: in browser (in development) with additional licensing cost
- eRM: using Coral, added localization, online help, can populate via import, acquisitions, issues, access, route, approval workflow, trials, licensing with ONIX import, calendar, usage statistics, SUSHI harvest
Implementing BLUECloud Visability at VPL
Janet Horne, Manager Library Systems
- Installation date moved a few times
- data extraction happened, now what?
- seemed to be low impact
- needed to configure policy in BlueCloud profile
- list of filters that exist, domain dashboard, all the information on the VPL link subsite
- let bot harvest on set schedule
- goes to it’s own site, and need to click on Borrow button, which will take user to OPAC
- embeddable data (experimental): create carousel based on subject heading and put into website; dynamic content; would be useful if have small enough set
- use cases: requests for matches: public lending rights: ISBN filter; requests for promotions: BC and Canadian Publications
- still being developed
Moving to Enterprise at North Vancouver City Library
Wai-Lin Chee, Deputy Chief Librarian
- product decisions: leave library2go and move to cloudLibrary. predicated by economics
- Bibliocommons was getting too expensive, Enterprise = 40% of BiblioCommons; primary use of Search/MyAccount
- Enterprise has many robust features, BiblioCommons not very customizable,
- other issues: new users had to create separate account, 3rd party software issues with ILS upgrades
- Enterprise: lower price, guaranteed to work, separate profiles for partners and testing at no extra cost, eResource Central connectors (extra money), Commerce payments, mini website, can transfer user lists/shelves from Bibliocommons to Enterprise (extra money)
- customizable: header, main page, widgets, scripts, change labels/codes, FTP access to custom CSS/JS files for different looks, federated search, commerce pay
- carousel: canned lists/daily generated lists (would like Canadian content)
- can see Google Preview, can continue search in Google Books/Scholar
- notes:
- upgrade to latest ILS and Web Services, open port 8443 from web service server to SD, port 443 from ILS server to SD,
- sure start questionnaires, 3 online training sessions, 3 consultations,
- pick FLAT theme (first to get mobile version),
- only French Spanish Chinese professionally translated,
- “Format” is taken from Leader column 07,
- Search Limits can map to itypes/locations/collections,
- uses fuzzy search logic/keyword searching only (set fuzzy factor 0.75),
- modal detail view (popup version),
- eResource Central integration with OneClick Digital did not (make sure barcodes are saved during OneClick digital registration)
- transfer BiblioCommons lists over before launch (also possible with elibrary)
- checkout history feature (Symhony circrule should be NOHISTORY instead of default CIRCRULE)
- easy fixes that should be default: ugly default login URL: used PGPL’s custom script instead, carousel bibs with a 245$h not liking to detailed screen: easy fix repointing to correct index)
- research other Enterprise sites to see what other features you can ask for
- implementation: tiered responses (canned, can move up) 6 months cycle
The End
Thanks to all the organizers and presenters. Hope to see everyone next year!