Some notes from UBC Networking Event: Transitions: Life after Graduation

Providing undergraduate students and recent graduates an opportunity to network. The UBC Student Alumni Council occasionally hold these events.

Keynote speaker

Reena Bali, HR career

  • build connections, peers and mentors
  • take the opportunities available
  • LinkedIn profile and keep it up to date
  • got current position through network before the job was posted
  • important to attend events like these to grow, improve your skills
  • great job just showing up
  • networking isn’t just getting a job, about exchanging information, gain insight, diverse perspectives
  • strongest relationships happen over time
  • identify interesting and relevant opportunities

Some tips:

  1. whenever you introduce yourself start with your pronouns
  2. create authentic relationships, keep it casual and have conversations
  3. always be ready to give your pitch, because you never know
  4. active listening, show that you’re listening by engaging further, be curious and ask questions
  5. have a system to track key points from conversations. In person: use the back of the business card. Virtual: take notes.
  6. Don’t forget the follow up. You can use the conversation, how you might used advice, 15 minutes coffee chat
  7. Have an online presence. LinkedIn is important, but make sure to have presence on whatever social media platform is important for your career. Include a note when sending an invite.

Breakout session

Breakout sessions were by topic and I was in the technology one with an alumus, Ricky Fok.

Some notes:

  • having a background in English/linguistics/etc. is always going to put you in good stead because the hardest thing in any organization is communication
  • when applying for jobs, especially in areas that may not viewed at directly tied to your degree, focus on transferrable skills
  • don’t worry too much about your first job, you’re evolving and learning every day
  • the pandemic has definitely changed and moved much more to remote, look forward
  • there are lots of technology jobs considering that technology is so integrated into our work now
  • on the flip side, there are some areas that every organization needs (such as finance, HR, legal) where someone could focus on working in tech companies if they wish