2023 Blog Year in Review

Another year, another look at the blog stats. I’ll do some comparison with last year’s stats as well.


17 posts is 3 more than last year and reflects the additional events I went to this year. The higher average of 1944 words per post could be based on the length of the notes I took, but I’m not actually sure since WordPress doesn’t give a word count on the individual posts.

A couple of new posts did particularly well this year. Where last year, the CEO shadow post got 373 view by the end of the year, this year’s Acting Chief of Staff to CTO post got almost the same at 368.

What I really didn’t expect is for the tracking work post to get over 560 views. It feels like there are so many job performance type blog posts out there that I didn’t think there would be that much interest. I wrote it for some of my coworkers and mostly put it on my blog, because I wanted it available for them after they left the company, or for them to be able to send it to other people.

The older how-to posts continue to trend down, though the specialized ones around MarcEdit are holding steady. So many organizations have really useful information on how they use MarcEdit and other common metadata tools, but don’t make it public.

Views & visitors

An increase in views and visitors compared to last year.

At 5408 views, it’s about a 20% increase, and 3872 visitors is a 19% increase compared to last year. Some of that is likely the popularity of the tracking work post, though most of it is likely from the events I attended this year.

The highest month this year was January again with 727 views and 420 visitors. Not surprising with the two most popular posts published that month.

The 3 months that were next highest were all when I attended events and published notes and presentations:

  • May: 559 views, 394 visitors
  • October: 528 views, 350 visitors
  • November: 566 views, 419 visitors

Here’s the country map for the fun of it, but really, this doesn’t change much. Though, I think the proportion of US is even higher than previous years.

Happy New Year

Thanks to all my readers! It’s nice to take a brief look at the trends. Happy New Year and here’s to a great 2024!

It’s unseasonably warm and there’s actually no snow outside, so here’s one from a previous year.

hummingbird in snow