I was fortunate enough to be able to attend a day of SLA (free of charge even!) because I was presenting as part of ‘Speed Geek’ (a speed dating idea with 7 “presenters” on technology) where people could ask whatever questions they wanted. Continue reading “Thoughts: SLA on the Last Day”
Tag: SLA
SLA 2014: ‘I Am Not a Brand!’: Building Your Personal and Professional Profile
by Mary Ellen Bates
You’re a Brand
- it’s how you show up
- it’s not what you intended to do, it’s what people see what they interact with them
- it’s what you’re known for
- it’s what Google shows about you, you need to show up, because they expect you to be there
Your Message
- an empty result is a message too
- email signature file
- cover memo
- internal website bio
- pictures and descriptions
- recent projects, successes
- even attendance of conferences
- where you volunteer, it’s not who you know, it’s who knows you and how they perceive you
- social media
Why Get Social
- it’s like looking in a phone book, people expect you to show up where they expect you to
- need to be as findable as possible
- 40-80% companies used social media to research job candidates
What Matters?
- 57% professional image
- 50% good personality
- 50% wide range of interests
- 49% background & qualifications
- 46% creativity – if also have the ability to do the future job
Be Smart
- keep updates public, but remember that it’s public
- no political rants (or pick your battles) – be willing to live with consequences if you post
- easy on the family & vacation photos – okay, but be moderate
- “about me” updated with professional photo
- post regularly
- be authentic
- create and lead a group if you really want to establish yourself as an expert
- link with all clients and colleagues
- give recommendations – shows support, care about the profession
- post comments, retweet – forward what other people are saying
Ideas on What to Say
- insights from a conference
- read others’ blogs, tweets
- learn (take a class, volunteer)
- ask questions, conduct a survey
- share everything – gets more out there even if it’s copied
What to Say
- what are you passions? what gets you excited?
- what do you want your next employer to know about you?
For Organizations
- people tune out fast
- need to talk about why, not what and in readable ways e.g. “We search premium databases”, no!, change it to “We expand your horizons beyond Google” / “We have a wide range of databases” to “We provide global insights with unfiltered results unlike Google” / “I’m a librarian” to “I enable the discovery of new knowledge”
- talk about results
- figure out your value proposition
- see how others do it (especially vendors who have invested in it, make use of it)
- it’s not all about you – benefits to users, not features; results, not activity
SLA 2014: Social Media for Everyone: How to Use New Tools in Innovative Ways
by Cheryl Yanek @cherylkathleen
How? & Things to think about
- need multiple platforms, to be everywhere, reach everyone
- need to be selective in what to post where, and use different tones depending on platform
- keep in mind what your audience is, and demographics of the platform
- understand different subcultures
- want to create meaningful relationships
- think about how to engage i.e. something to be retweeted, discussion on linkedin, picture to share on tumblr, article on G+
- should you be there?
- learn the rules of the subcultures
- trends happen really fast, so you need to be on it from the start
- might need to educate others so that they understand social media
- need to stand out & engage
- about creating community, comment on what others are saying
How to Say It
- plan to fail
- be willing to take risks
- turn your failures into learning situations
- better for people to be angry (really?!) than
- write short posts
- think of your audience as insiders
- be authentic
- make it personal
- make them believe in your mission
- make it entertaining
- always look at the demographics
- texting for kids?
- share messages
- examples:
** share coupons that had to be used instantly
** reveal new product/secret menu item
- front page of the internet
- can be upvoted
- most popular along 18-29 male
- like things to be transparent
- self-promotion is frowned upon
- interact vs. shouting at them
- others can jump in for you, only need to add where you can
- a lot of sub-reddits on specific topics
- don’t promote yourself more than 5-10%
- might already be community (sub-reddit) that exists where you can fit
- part blog, part FB
- blogging but with a lot more media
- half of users under 25
- very engaged audience
- a lot of hashtag use
- really easy to use
- FAQs (ask a question feature)
- way to share pictures
- 90% under 35
- 68% are female
- tell visual stories
- have a lot of filters that you can play with
- way to share pictures
- 84% are female
- 2/3 over 35
- what images are worthy of being shared
- can work together with instagram
- brand all your images
- contests
- most users in 20s
- 6 second videos
- potential for how-to videos
- share successes
- super easy to use
- great for contests
- 4x more likely to be shared than other videos
- check in to locations
- share with friends what you’re doing
- 60% male
- 60% 18-29
- very easy to work with
- share tips
- when have events, brand and let people check in, can create badges
- free advertising because normally linked to twitter or fb
- heavily male
- what you do on G+ is related to your google search
- provides higher visibility
- if make public chats & events, then will show up in search results
- but they’re always changing things
- can target certain demographics based on circles
Make Use of It
- embed
- share
- as contact
- add homepage in information
- talk about things that are inspiring or relevant
Buzzfeed & Upworthy
- lists and trends, anyone can create it, promote it
- about social justice, can’t contribute, but can connect
- need to measure and track data
- use both hard and soft metrics
- what were the topics that got the best reach?
- what was the sentiment?
- share highlights and successes internally
Improving Your Current Use
- listen more, to see what people are talking about, quotes to share, relevant news
- engage and interact with influencers
- what social media are being used in different regions?
- 2-3 posts is the recommended amount, scheduled tweets
- graphic/embedded posts e.g. thoughtcatalogue
- don’t do it yourself
- start bite-sized
- you can experiment personally first
- RSS feeds/newsletters to keep on top of trends (see slide)