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Mark Matienzo – Wielding the Whip: Affect, Archives, & Ontological Fusion
- need to talk about emotion – a lot of things going on in my life
- inspired by Archives by Emotion
- why do we not acknowledge that archives are based on emotion, stories
- facebook ‘like’ is not an emotion
- losing connections to materials and history when not thinking about the platform and how that effects our stories
- can we write stories about our collections?
- should be using existing linked data to make those narratives
- let’s build this
- Slides
- Full Write-up
Jason Casden and Cory Lown – My #HuntLibrary
- student engagement platform
- how do students use the space?
- what do they choose to document? – using instagram
- student-drive archival selection
- making use, harvesting social media
- Implemention:
- moderated, responsive
- use for public display, can interactive, including larger public display
- inspired by kitten war: built image battle
- calculate popularity score
- also about preservation, collect images
Steven Anderson – JavaScript Streaming Clientside Checksumming w/ HTML5 file upload
Will Hicks – Metadata Entry Beyond Usability
- think back to volunteering to donate blood, etc. what value did it give you?
- ~300 individuals creating metadata
- stats have bumped up with a new interface
- but 10% of the stuff is hidden
- “usable” forms are great, but little “ownership” and lack of domain expertise
- what if we applied the ideas used in social media?
- invite with openID, personalize projects, badges, stats, visualization, etc.
Kelly Lucas – Drupal OPAC Recipe
- the poor man’s Blacklight or Vufind with Solr backend
- process:
- MARC record dump into Solr using SolrMARC
- install search API, Search API Solr, Facet API, Sarnia and Views from
- configure Sarnia + FacetAPI (boosts, enable facets)
- create a view, add some fields, create an exposed filter (full text search box)
- slap some facets to the side of the page
- issues: new/updated records requires direct connection to ILS
- Slides
Karen Coyle – Nerd Poetry
- cowboy poetry – told around the camp fire
Mark Redar – Django Dublin Core App
- plugin app
- on Github
- RecordExpress – lightweight, easy to use esp. for those not familiar with XML
James Stuart – Taming Email
- a really big problem
- part of your job
- here’s how to tame email
- don’t organize: organizing your email is like alphabetizing your recycling
- turn keyboard shortcuts on
- shortcutFoo
- don’t be distracting
- bookmark
- Also take a look at Making Thunderbird More Gmail-y
No Break! Have a Cute Animal Anyway
Have a Cute White Ermine