Lightning Talks on Day 2 of Code4Lib 2014.
Paired Programming – Carolyn Cole and Michael Tribone
- two coders working together
- two with disparate skills – back end person & front end/web person
- UI needed to look decent fast
- worked together looking at code snippets
I spent a short amount of time with twilio – Mark Matienzo
- using REST to interact with people using phones
- Mike Beccaria’s C4L Journal Article
- Used twilio to interact with audience while building is closed
- created dial-a-DPLA, call 1 704 288-DPLA (3752)
- Type in 4 digit year and search specific collection
- 50 line Python App
- search against DPLA API, pull item with mp3 using tweetML
- Code
Copy, Paste, Search – Cory Lown
- last 4 years, increase of long query items
- mostly known item, frequently looked like copy/paste
- you would think it would work, but search is bad with doi and other items
- right now, strip out punctuation, numbers, and short words
- what’s a better way to fix this problem?
Drupal 8 – Cary Gordon
- mobile admin panel
- multilingual capabilities
- new config management
- built-in web services (HAL, JSON, XML, views)
- authoring tools have been improved with in place editing
- fast theming with TWIG
- views have been integrated
- fields
- better markup
- industry standard aproach
Making Things with Other People
- brother playes quidditch
- very complicated ranking formula
- brother wanted to start recording statistics for players
- great learning opportunity, to learn together
- Started with ontology
- git, version control, github, pages, html/css basics,, linked data concepts
- angular stats
- MongoDB, authentication using running on node.js
- what I learned: angularjs, and other things
- write operations transformed our understanding of the stats
- pass it on
Adding a Map View to your Blacklight App
- Blacklight-Maps plugin for blacklight
- use geolocation data and map it
- configurable
- thumbnails also in list view
- need to add: spatial search, lat/long support
LTI + API = LMS <3 – Eric Frierson
- LTI protocal that sends data upon clicking on third-party from LMS
- adding library materials as required reading, because can be difficult to do: permalinks, which has issues with stats and copyright
- EDS reading list tool stores list and readings in MySQL table, and if click on something, get EDS API
- instructor can add annotations/notes
- support multi-campus, copy list
File Analyzer – Terry Brady
- build import rule and make report
- allows multiple reports to be compared/merged
- desktop application, written in Java, customized by writing file test rules, import rules
- Code
HighChartsJS – Heather Rayl
- found Google Charts, but didn’t like the defaults and didn’t have time to play with it
- like: turn on/off groups, hover over for info, can pull data from GA, can see details
jquery.xmleditor – Ben Pennell
- XML document editor for web brwoser, very WYSIWYG
- schema driven contextual menus
- two editing mods, graphical & text
- Code
- xsd2json.js – compiles XSD schema files into JavaScript objects or JSON
- usable either as commandline tool for precompiling JSON
- not quite DIY: jquery, ui, ajaz ace editor, JS XML APIs, and more
Massachusetts Maritime Academy Google Open ID Proxy Authentication
- common problem of too many passwords
- Google Apps campus
- OCLC doesn’t have Google Open ID as an option, but supports authentication by referring URL
- issue with having personal email, had to ask user if wanted to be logged out of person and logged into campus email
- have a variable to remember where you wanted to go
- great results
This is My Search – Cynthia Ng
- This is My Search
- Inspired by this is my jam
- done after LibTechConf in one evening
- all credit for the coding goes to @mreidsma
- what’s your favourite search?
- share it with everyone on twitter!
- submit your library
- contribute on github