Creative Commons folks hosted a discussion on barriers and possible solutions to publishing and using CC licensed content.
- Ryan Merkley (CEO)
- Matt Lee (Tech Lead)
- Ali Al Dallal (Mozilla Foundation)
Our Challenge
- our tech is old, user needs are unmet (can be confusing, don’t know how to do attribution)
- focus on publishing vs. sharing (maximize people who want to allow others to use/reuse, and people want to use them)
- no front door to the Commons (no meta search, don’t give you tools)
- licenses now international, support data – on the first step
Building a license doesn’t mean that it’s used. What is the next piece? Build a movement around the license, drive content in (platforms, new tools), content out.
Meta Search – let’s CC
- allow searching various
- but didn’t work on mobile
- no facilitate re/use
Built a new version, easy to add new search APIs
The List powered by CC
- Working with knight foundation.
- lots of bad photos
- if you ask people to take photos,
- photos would be hosted by Internet Archive, with CC-BY license
- if you make a small investment into a thing, it grabs on to you – helps to get people involved in the community and copyright
- working with US department of interior (parks, etc.)
- to come is geolocation with notifications
Make Drive
- JavaScript library, allow offine file system
- allow synchronization, but file system can be stored in browser
- can copy images into makedrive
- it’s just you and your device if you
- connects really well with
Today’s Task
Two sets of users:
- content publishers (individuals and platforms)
- users and re-mixers of content
Three questions:
- What are the barriers to sharing/using open content for publishing?
- What could we do to solve these issues? (no idea is too crazy)
- Who should we work with to accomplish it?