Code4LibBC Day 1: Lightning Talks Part 1

The first morning of Code4LibBC is all about lightning talks. Here’s part 1.

Adapt, integrate, collaborate: Applying lessons from Battlestart Galactica to academic libraries

Gordon Coleman

  • job talk, part of the interview process
  • imagine a future where challenges in acquisitions and serials is solved with one system
  • Acquisition Systems in 2024: Discovery/ERM/KB/LR/proxy fusion initiator; file format modulator; intergalactic title list synchronizer; DRM proximity alaert; vendor & aggregatetor content option tracking radar; FAST integration hyperdrive
  • choosing an ebook, know exactly which vendors have it with typical options, shared collection world where available open access or from another library through ILL
  • why aren’t we there?
  • explosion of electronic formats
  • the simple past: decision collections; order in acquisitions; make available by cataloguing; maintenance under loans
  • simple linear flow, things were passed along, and each module existed in ILS
  • confusing present: ebook workflow diagram shows how much libraries struggle to acquire, make discoverable, with multiple systems and tools
  • decisions in one unit affect others; collaboration between units
  • how do you pass the information about an electronic resource?
  • need to synchronize records even across different tools
  • need to be able to adapt with new workflow, tools, system and tool integration, collaboration
  • needs to be about the user and their needs* solving the technology problem is only 10% of the problem; the other 90% are the people and organization
  • Slides in PDF

Artefactual/MoMA digital repository to meet the needs of museum collections

Dan Gillean and Jesus Garcia Crespo

  • Background:
  • MOMA was using archivematica and DAM/TMS, but needed to connect the two with relationships, analytics, etc.; also thinking about FRBR
  • RFP in 2013: 32 functional requirements, and 9 use cases
  • two main chunks with analysis/prototyping, developments
  • transformed use cases to UX flowcharts
  • DRMC stack: building on atom, archivematic, and built and HTTP API
  • decided to use angular.js
  • created context browser using d3
  • connected such that nodes can be created and edited
  • digital object browser: allows viewing of technical data and compare multiple objects
  • fixity checking, constantly running and reports
  • data graphs
  • artwork browse and search which is keyed to types of objects
  • what’s next? rebrand, abstract MoMA-specific code, open source angularJS app, public demo, API documentation; find dev partners

How to hack your ILS and make friends on Campus

Trevor Smith, George Villavicencio, Glen Greely

  • did Sierra Upgrade last year; dealt with IT a lot
  • University has music stores was using paper, but needed something better
  • not uncommon because AV/classroom support was also on the ILS system
  • project: equipment, lockers, and keys
  • didn’t want to overpromise, and built as necessary
  • bought license, set up with basics with barcodes etc.
  • biggest problem was time, doing it off the side of desk
  • work was done piecemeal
  • barriers & challenges: considered no direct benefit to library; training; ILS not tied to payment system (and didn’t want to connect them)
  • rescoped to lockers and keys
  • barcodes on a sheet for lockers
  • results: music department with
  • results at library: sharpened skills, looked at templates, automate assignment of barcodes, added calculators and other equipments
  • results IT: on the radar
  • results students: had similar experience as before but added can see it online, can renew lockers
  • lessons learned: only build the granularity that you need,
  • libraries are not the only ones loaning stuff; go make friends

UX Interest Group Workshop

Joyce Wong

  • facilitated UX session of sampler workshop
  • take small bites, part of design methods to clarify objectives, evaluate what works
  • focus on actionables, research questions, who needs persuading, collaborate, apply results multiple ways
  • process: stakeholders, design study instrument, review and test run, recruit test subjects, analyze and share, do as little as needed, don’t be afraid to change (food is good for domestic but not international students)
  • don’t be afraid to change
  • methods: analytics, surveys, obeservational, interviews’focus groups, photo diaries, participatory design
  • interviews/focus groups: set subject for success, get them to do something, empathy, define terms, open questions moving to specifics, don’t invite speculation
  • visuals: camera on their heads, photos of spaces and what works or doesn’t, recorded sessions of tasks
  • tools for analysis: tell a story, group viewing, affinity grouping (patterns, key phrases), 4-5 is really enough
  • to ponder: task testing of discovery layer, card sort: labelling; what are you really testing? testing collections, think like librarians, the tool?
  • Templates for workshop

Putting the cat in the catalogue: A feline-inspired OPAC theme for Koha

Galen Charlton

  • Ada initative had a library campaign; librarians did very well in contributing
  • techniques to encourage funds; Galen proposed to do a bit of coding (“the easy way out”)
  • problem statement: cats occupy librarians’ laps but they are not front-and-center in our catalogs
  • this is sad but we can haz happy. we can add animated cats to our catalog, and also do something just a bit more serious, like exposing unAPI and supporting the Ada Initiative
  • the unAPI pulls details and builds export files using JavaScript
  • built using jQuery, jQuery UI, built plugin
  • inserted cat using simple animation related functions (zIndex, append, animate)
  • exposing unAPI by inspecting to find unapi server, grab supported formats, then make widgets
  • not just for Koha, works in Evergreen too, and lets one inject a bit of JavaScript
  • where to find it: Github under GPL 2+
  • adding it to Koha: add to the opacuserjs system preference
  • adding it to Evergren, override the opac/parts/js.tt2 template and add appropriate code

Break Time

Baby Highland Cow