Penny Swanson at SFU Library generously gave us an overview of how staff use MarcEdit, especially to batch edit vendor records.
Some Advice when processing e-resources records
- put acquisitions information into bib records
- put link to ERM (E-Resources Management system) in 935
- some link to catalogue in 830 or 730
- need identifier for each set, and then by year
- only way to keep track of whether gotten everything you paid for
MARC Tools
- MarcBreaker: input mrc, output mrk
- Also allows you to convert to/from MARCXML
- MARC-8 would have curly braces to describe diacritics
- UTF-8 would have the letters with disacritic marks (corresponds with appropriate LDR character)
MRK Format
- each line has to start with =
- followed by field, two spaces, indicators
Tips and Useful Functions
- find/replace by (sub)field
- add/delete fields can use x for placeholder number. e.g. all 900 fields use “9xx”
- change case, by subfield (under edit)
- Assigned tasks (under tools) – automate repeated steps; loaded on the local computer, so to share, need to export and on the other computer you want to use it on, import it
- can make a different task for each vendor
- find a place to keep repeatedly used regex
Dealing with Updates
- Record Deduplication Tools
- have to add each file individually
- save records to dups1 and removed items to dups2
- but then need update set information
- use Merge tool to merge 830/856 back in; can choose to merge only unique
- must have common identifier for merge to work
Evaluating Records
- Find All of a specific field (find =nnn)
- Select MARC Records (under tools), can choose which field to display
- can also select, search, and delete/export records
- Tools -> Validate Headings; can run against LCSH, can automatically correct variants
Tab Delimited Text
- convert excel or tab delimited text file
- edit the LDR/008
- choose column and which field to map to
- use asterisk(s) before field number to concatenate e.g. *245$a ; *245 $c
- can put the arguments in the top row of sheet
Harvest OAI
- Directory of Open access books example: server address, need to add /request
- Metadata type: marcxml
- Crosswalk path: OAIMARC21XML.xsl
- most important to know which crosswalk to choose
- can be fussy
- Terry’s Worklog / YouTube Channel
- MARCedit mailing list