Moderated by Kay Dunker, Systems Librarian, Valley Library Consortium
Sybase: upgrade to 16, went fine. Clients do not need to be updated.
Windows 64-bit: Horizon fresh client install has issues, Sybase chokes. No concrete documentation yet.
Windows 10 Anniversary edition: client locks up if tab away. Tentative workaround, click on taskbar to minimize and re-open.
Java issues: supposedly fixed to use latest versions, but sometimes client crashes sporadically.
Debugger: be careful not to set user variable permanent to another folder.
Settings being forgotten: Horizon is being loaded to Citrix. Does have to be same Citrix user. Need to make sure Windows finishes loading everything in the background before starting Horizon client.
Family groups: many may not be interested because of privacy law. Allow pick up of others’ holds. Might work for something like a group home. Wanted to enforce max items and fines across a group, but not yet implemented. Multiple family groups would be useful, but not a feature. Concerns of load on web services.
Transit groups: not quite right for what needed. Scoped with parameter 29 already, and not sure what the leap would be, which controls priority of fulfillment. Might use itype to fulfill holds only at specific collection.
Floating collections: large print, audiobooks.
NCIP: add-on, similar to SIP. Trying to get it to work between own site and III site for union catalogue requests. Working for single location, but not working for libraries with multiple location. Another system use ILL system via OCLC software. Remove ILL request number so that can change location, may have script to change location depending where going to.
Pre-Overdue notices: still limited same way as with other notices. Does not recognize the don’t send notify block. Some still use the Alpha-G pre-notifier.
SMS notices: runs off HIP server. Can be broken down by location.
Auto notices: email works, physical printouts worked for 2 weeks, but stopped working.