2022 Blog Year in review

Another year, another look at blog stats. So I say, but earlier this year, I did a summary from 2016-2021 since WordPress stopped generating them, and I totally forgot about it. In any case, here’s the 2022 in review.


14 posts and about 20,000 words doesn’t sound like much, but what’s interesting is that those numbers are similar to pre-pandemic years. While I wasn’t super enthused about travelling, late 2022 is when I decided to attend an in-person conference again, which generated a couple of extra posts. A small number of additional posts this year is from splitting my reflection posts from a year to 6 months.

What’s nice is that for the first time since 2012, a blog post from the same year is at the top! The number of views and visitors are a little higher than last year too.

Not surprisingly, as time goes on, the older “how to” posts that were generating views continues to trend down, though the more specialized “how to” posts related to MarcEdit have actually increased a little.

Views & visitors

As I mentioned, compared to last year, there was a small increase in views and visitors.

The highest month was January with 645 views and 524 visitors. Obviously the high number is tied to the most popular post, which was the CEO shadow reflection one. January also got a small boost from one of my reflection posts.

March came in close second with 605 views and 448 visitors. These numbers are tied to publishing 3 posts that month including the letter of thanks, which was the second highest viewed post published in 2022.

Unsurprisingly, most of the visitors were from the US or Canada.

Happy new year!

Thank you for reading, hope you get some time to reflect on 2022, and have a great 2023!

fox in snow