Honestly, making a site responsive is nothing new, not even for me. Nevertheless, I wanted to document the process (no surprise there). Since as of the date of publishing this post, the responsive version of the theme hasn’t gone live yet, you get a sneak peek. Continue reading “Making the NNELS Site Responsive”
Category: Project work
includes School Work
Accessible Format Production Part 6: DAISY Book
Finally, here is the last part of the series, talking about creating DAISY books from edited e-text. Continue reading “Accessible Format Production Part 6: DAISY Book”
Accessible Format Production Part 5: Editing the Document
Much like for PDF, there are different levels of accessibility for an electronic text (e-text) document. The more that you complete for a document, the more accessible it is. However, you still want to balance quality vs. quantity. Continue reading “Accessible Format Production Part 5: Editing the Document”
Accessible Format Production Part 4: Converting PDF & EPUB to E-Text
This is going to be a fairly short post. I would have combined it with another part but the parts before and after are long enough to need to be their own posts, so here we are. Continue reading “Accessible Format Production Part 4: Converting PDF & EPUB to E-Text”
Accessible Format Production Part 3: Making Accessible PDF
Once again, there are numerous programs that can edit PDFs. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a free (or very cheap) one that allows you to edit even the basic pieces I talk about below. Would love to hear if anyone has recommendations.
Anyway, that means I will discuss what needs to be done but not how to do it in a specific program (they should already have documentation on how). Continue reading “Accessible Format Production Part 3: Making Accessible PDF”