I started drafting something similar to this post for our website and decided to make it a blog post first. People ask me all the time about accessible formats (aka alternate formats) and the differences between the various types. Continue reading “A Rundown on Accessible (Alternate) Formats”
Tag: documentation
User Readable CSS: Columns
Okay, so I know we have the CSS3 multiple column layout “columns” property in the newest browsers, but working in public institutions where we are expected to support IE as far back as version 8 or sometimes 7 (in the very rare case even 6 still), we cannot rely on the columns property… yet. Continue reading “User Readable CSS: Columns”
Getting Thrown into the Deep End
So I started at CILS 3 weeks ago, and oh boy does it feel longer. My first week was a lot of getting settled in sort of thing (which means orientation and a lot of paperwork), and being given the simplest of stuff. After the first week, I was thrown into the deep end. Continue reading “Getting Thrown into the Deep End”
Code4Lib Day 3: Morning Notes
Hands off! Best Practices and Top Ten Lists for Code Handoffs
- Naomi Dushay, Stanford University Library
Code handoffs are never smooth. Ever.
Ratio of time spend reading vs. writing code, 10:1.
The Truck Test
- what if you were run over a truck and someone else had to take over?
- need to code so a stranger can read it and understand it
The Boy Scout Rule
- “Leave the code cleaner than you found it”
- need to maintain your code
- otherwise you’re part of the problem
It’s More Than Code
- naming should make sense: servers, scripts, everything
- config files should not point to boxes
- tools chosen can be the problem
- should you be rolling this on your own?
- probably something been done before
- some think if you write code really well, then you don’t need to comment. Not true.
- Documentation and comments are there to inform, explain, clarify, warn, need maintenance
- readme’s should make sense
- tests are code, should also think about readability of these
- failures should be addressed ASAP
- KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid
- DRY – don’t repeat yourself
Readable Code
- follow conventions
- meaningful names: variable, method, class, file
- small, single purpose methods
Cleverness that reduces readability isn’t clever.
- Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert Martin
- Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Folwer et al.
The Care and Feeding of a Crowd
- Shawn Averkamp, University of Iowa
- Matthew Butler, University of Iowa
DIY History
- transcribe items in collection
- omeka + scripto + mediawiki
- still in development: want to add social media aspects/integration
- err sorry, brain temporarily sort of died. See slides and I’ll go get a cookie to recharge
How to be an effective evangelist for your open source project Creating a Commons
- Bess Sadler, Stanford University Library
Lost a member of our community this year: Aaron Swartz
- helped to define Creative Commons licenses
- 3 versions: machine, human, and lawyer readable
- code4lib should do the same principle
- shared engineering practices are becoming more and more important
- investment that’s worth it
- please get code contributors to sign a contributor license agreement
- can determine whether contract allows participation
- don’t want to lose informal sharing, but law cases have happened and we need to protect ourselves
Building Code
- what are we building?
- we are building a culture, a commons
- Fedora4lib – came early and rented a house together
- Hydra = a community
- cultivate a place where we can
- teaching at Ruby on Rails workshops – too big a job to leave to a small group of people
Hacker Epistemology
- how is knowledge acquired?
- how do we decide what’s true?
- collaboration with disregard of conventional mental thinking
Building the Community
- need to expand and include everyone who wants to join
- more steps in building a more inclusive community
- adopted a code of conduct, because it was a good idea and making an explicit statement
- need to let other people to know that we’re trying
- “We are all imposters.” – just acknowledge it, we all feel that way, but bolster ourselves
- allow ourselves to be seen even when there’s no guarantee of success
- we can support each other
- cannot be accomplished alone
- want to craft a process for submitting issues
Thank you, code4lib!
The End
And that’s it! Until 2014.

code4lib Cool Tool Day
So inspired by the ASIS&T Cool Tool Day, I thought it’d be neat to do one of these since there weren’t many volunteers to do lightning talks/presentations at the code4lib Toronto meetup this time around. Our attendance was a little… paltry, but we had some great presentations! Here are my notes from the session.
Presented by @waharnum
- working with REST based web services
- testing automation tool for web services
- best for building with other API
- autogenerate stubs using WSDL
- interface between internal systems
- good for documenting web services, code style with examples
- normally, mostly used for unit testing
- virtual card based whiteboard
- flexible for planning based
- collaborative
- great usability/UI
- even has mobile apps
- maintaining HTML email templates
- also works as a crazy text editor for nerds
XSL Transforms plugin in Firefox
- local reporting
- anything XSLT with just a few security restrictions
- e.g. SVN reporting
Presented by @adr
- cross platform presentation
- push from laptop to another computer
Sidenote: Other Presentation Tools
- deck.js
- Impress.js (like Prezi)
Presented by @ruebot
VIM Plugins
- pathogen – linking for VIM plugins to automatically load VIM plugins
- nerdtree – pull files quickly by displaying directory/tree
Presented by Pomax
Thimble HTML/CSS Live Web editor
- teach anyone (kids, adults) HTML and CSS
- use existing projects to make it fun!
- easy inline flickr search of CC images
- attribution in alt text
Presented by me
- monitor hue changer, supposedly to help people sleep better by telling your body what time of day it is
That’s it! Hope to do another one of these or lightning talks next time.