Adding Custom Reports to Horizon

I have been putting a lot of our reports into Horizon so that staff can take a look at them any time and do not need an intermediary. While not even SirsiDynix could help me put all of them in Horizon, I have a few in and I am adding more as I encounter them. Unfortunately, custom reports do not seem to be documented very well (or at least not that I could find, the one article I found did not make a lot of sense to me the first time I read it), so I figure I might as well post it online.
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Code4Lib 2014 Day 1: Lightning Talks

ResCarta Foundation

Since last year,
* automatic audio transcription
* but can edit audio afterwards
* internationalization
* facet filtering

How many times have you been to code4lib?

Michael Giarlo
* many first timers and returnees


  • using open source software
  • motivated to initiate knowledge sharing
  • features integration
  • many libraries can’t afford ILS
  • spreading, active community across Indonesia
  • community of volunteers
  • truly free OSS for library automation
  • bottom up approach

Harvard Library Lab

Bobbi Fox
* got grant funded
* developed the Harvard Library Lab
* lots of projects that librarians actually want e.g. inscriptio (carrel reservations), class request tool, link-o-matic, course reserves unleashed, PDS mobile web API, do we own this? (check if library have this based on ISBN)

GeoHydra: GIS in the Digital Library

  • full service repository for GIS data
  • treat as first class objects
  • metadata / wrangling -> curation -> delivery -> discovery
  • “Wrangle the data until it submits”
  • Blacklight Maps where you can plot the data
  • have different workflow and deal with different schema
  • I’m sorry but I did not understand most of that…

Logs are Your Friend

  • logs should be up to date
  • should look at log when
  • logs logging similar things should be similar
  • consider that you might analyze your logs e.g. how big was the file it was doing a checksum on?

Solr Browse & Sort

  • faceted heading browser with cross references in Solr
  • sort on multi-valued fields
  • did some demo/showing

End of the Day

pig in winter
Time to brave the cold again!