Alternatives for Blogs on

A lot of alternatives recommendation articles are for moving websites to other Content Management Systems (CMS). A simple blog though does not need that. This article is for those people, like me, who just blog. Though, I do include some alternatives for WordPress if your goal is just to move off of

I’ve been on ( for 15 years, most of which has been on some sort of paid plan (started in 2012 with “No Ads”). However, with the “WordPress drama” that’s been happening, I’ve been looking into alternatives. I thought about moving off when they kept raising the prices (I pay 2.5 times what I used to), but was too lazy. It’s still not an immediate concern for me, since of all the hosting services, I expect to be the last one to have any issues. Nevertheless, what’s out there for blogging has changed significantly, and I thought this might be useful for other people.

If I find anything else, I’ll update this post with notes on what I’ve added. Continue reading “Alternatives for Blogs on”

Presentation: Making Accessible Content and Websites in WordPress

Presented at the Cowichan Valley WordPress August 2018 Meetup. This presentation was all about web accessibility, thinking about the users affected, technology involved, creating accessible content in WordPress, and finally, choosing accessible themes and plugins.

The first part of the presentation is pretty much a rehash of previous presentations, the second part on content is similar but focuses specifically on WordPress. The last part is almost all new content specific to WordPress.
Continue reading “Presentation: Making Accessible Content and Websites in WordPress”

Building Community by Providing Great Experiences

Over the weekend, I decided to change my theme from the WordPress TwentyThirteen to TwentyFifteen. I switched mainly because I wanted a more accessible theme, and also because I was getting tired of looking at the Thirteen one. Another nice feature was the menu and sidebar integration. It may actually take up more space, but it also forced me to re-evaluate what I thought was important and what I could simply leave out. (I now have 1 widget as opposed to 5.)

Anyway, that’s not the reason I’m writing. The reason for that is that over the weekend I found a bug, filed it, and it was closed in 22 hours! Continue reading “Building Community by Providing Great Experiences”

Update to TwentyTwelve & Child Theme: Accessible Submenu

A quick update. I’ve previously written on developing an Accessible TwentyTwelve Child Theme. Recently, a new version of the parent theme (TwentyTwelve) was released, so I had to update the Child Theme to reflect the changes in the parent. Continue reading “Update to TwentyTwelve & Child Theme: Accessible Submenu”