Video on Internet Archive
Not a New Problem
- mapping the shelf where an item is located
- common implementation: stackmap
- but paid
- implementation into catalogue similar, add button to click on to get map
What’s Different
- full screen = bigger map
- links to video tutorials in lightbox/fancybox
- share map through link, and via email
- automatically prioritize by loan period (regular vs. reference only) and availability, while still showing you the other locations
- responsive
- integrated search, built for mobile
- shelf signage (though seen 1-2 other libraries doing this as well)
Are People Using It?
- Launched mid-Nov, Dec exam period, Jan first real indication
- desktop ~2/3, mobile ~1/3 of usage
What Do Users Think?
- Demo’ed at Learning Commons Open House just before launch – a lot of positive feedback
- Usability Study
- most agree/strongly agree: easy to understand, easy to follow, prefer having shelf number
- a couple didn’t like look/colours of floor plan, but most still liked it
- most importantly: level of frustration = lower