Taking a look at BlueCloud Circulation with a demo.
- newest addition to the “family”
- 35 pilot sites
- first users: academic (load patron records), special, K-12 (records loading, check in/out), outlets (community centres, etc.), consortia members
- requirements: Horizon 7.5.3+, Web services 2017.01+, BlueCloud Central (institution, users, circulation role, profiles), ILS policies for circulation
- certificate for web services
- patron data stays where it is, unlike bib records which will get harvested by search
- uses Horizon policies to determine permissions/privileges and most exceptions
- overrides and blocks: supporting as many as possible, some will become decisions rather than overrides, gradual ILSWS supporting relevant advice
- association with an institution
- connections: shortcuts to other things
- admin: institutions (locations) based on ILS ID; profiles: establish search policy (one per instance), specify enriched content (e.g. syndetics)
- search allow quick switch between patron and catalogue search; options for registration or check in
- floating collection is coming but not recommended
- patron display: customizable to a small degree
- missing: addresses, notes
- can place holds by looking up title (via BlueCloud Search)
- catalogue search: brief results display
- can view copy specific information
- check in: will show alerts
- date helpers to be added
- in house check in (to be checked on)
- completion of address/notes support
- receipts
- bills and commerce support
- photo support
- new policies
- on shelf holds processing
- add brief title
- global configuration variables
MobileCirc Features no in BC Circ yet
- edit holds
- edit patron address/notes
- inventory
- mark item used
- check item status
- deselect (may not be added to BC Circ)
- patron photos
- offline circ (may not be added)
BC Circ not available in MobileCirc
- BlueCloud Search support
- Bookdrop checkin
- place hold capabilities
- additional item statistical details