LibTechConf 2014 Presentation: We Are All Disabled! Universal Web Design Making Web Services Accessible for Everyone

This is the full write-up for the presentation I did at LibTechConf 2014, not including the Q&A section. There are slight differences from the actual presentation, primarily having removed the questions I asked the audience and in a couple of cases, adding further notes or source information.  Continue reading “LibTechConf 2014 Presentation: We Are All Disabled! Universal Web Design Making Web Services Accessible for Everyone”

Accessible WordPress Theme: Creating a Fully Accessible TwentyTwelve Child Theme

To make up for the lack of post last week (apologies, things have just been too busy), a special post this week. Before working on the new website, I once again did some searching for an accessible WordPress theme. Unfortunately, I found little that would meet my needs as I required WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) level AA at the minimum, but preferably something that would be as accessible as possible.

Continue reading “Accessible WordPress Theme: Creating a Fully Accessible TwentyTwelve Child Theme”

Death to the Website Carousel

UPDATE (March 6, 20104) : Added a new example, and did some minor fixes.

This is not by any means a new idea, but as I am in the process of redesigning the website, I did think about the carousel. The existing website doesn’t have one, but glancing at my WordPress statistics, the image carousel plugin review post has been getting the highest number of hits, and I have that post for a reason (that is I had to put one into the last site I did). Continue reading “Death to the Website Carousel”