Publishers and the Print Disabled in Canada: Some Get It, Some Don’t

It’s no secret that the print-disabled are a under-supported group. While those who are not print challenged have are able to read all the literature that we understand, print-disabled readers only have access to a small percentage (1-7%) of the world’s published books. There are many efforts underway with:

However, the group that can and does have the most impact on accessibility of books is publishers. Continue reading “Publishers and the Print Disabled in Canada: Some Get It, Some Don’t”

Code4Lib Day 2: Lightning Talks

Demian Katz –, Geeby-Deeby, and the Dime Novel Bibliography Project.

  • interactive fiction books
  • Made a really big bibliography
  • people sending in more
  • put it in a big database
  • open-source project to adapt backend
  • MySQL db that models various types of entities, relationships
  • backend system to edit entities, enter data, edit relationships

Rachel Frick – LODLAM Summit 2013 and Challenge

  • linked open data in library, archive, and museum
  • had challenge to win cash prize
  • can still submit, just fill out form and make/submit video

Kenny Ketner – Occam’s Reader

  • allow libraries to lend ebooks to each other using document delivery model
  • compatible with IILiad
  • no training, no workflow change
  • can add formats incrementally (started with PDF)
  • basic interface that discourages abuse
  • access previously unaccessible resources
  • in alpha testing
  • Slides

Al Cornish – Orbis Cascade Alliance Shared ILS Project

  • primary service is consortial services
  • move to new system beyond traditional ILS
  • single shared system (vs. currently 37)
  • explore collaborative technical services, collection development
  • Alma + Primo selected, migration in progress

Makoto Okamoto – Crowd Funding for Library in Japan

  • culture of donation changed a lot after 3.11
  • share experience and metrics
  • key to success is setting up appropriate ticket

William Denton – Code4Lib 2013 Augmented Reality View in Layar

  • picking points of interest from two spots
  • 1: Google Places map
  • 2: Twitter search API – of the ones that are geolocated
  • Web service in Ruby and Sinatra, hosted on Heroku
  • Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge – go read it.
  • Slides

Rosalyn Metz – What I learned while I was away

  • learned about planning, budget, and time
  • time is the most important thing
  • track your time, might be spending too much time on things e.g. don’t spend more than 10 mins on a single email
  • can demonstrate where need help
  • Slides

Nettie Lagace – Recent Cool Fun NISO Activities

  • ResourceSync Framework Specification
  • Bibligraphic Roadmap Initiative
  • Slides

Chuck Koscher – Fundref

  • list of funders
  • what articles given certain funding

Andromeda Yelton – Five Conversations About Coding

  • computer science majors in 1995: yardstick of who is cooler than who dependent on the most arcane knowledge
  • boston python workshop 2012: women friendly course. Expecting to be judged.
  • chad nelson, monday night. It’s not free
  • bess sadler, yesterday. We have a problem with insecurity
  • important to recognized our limitations, but have this imaginary yardstick
  • ever done coding? majority. think coder? 1/2

Jeremy Morse – mPach: Publishing directly into HathiTrust

  • sorry, didn’t quite get this one

Rob Dumas – Git in Five Minutes

That’s all for today.

sleeping owl
How I Feel