Access 2014: We’re All Disabled! Part 2: Building Accessible (Web) Services with Universal Design

This was presented at Access 2014 in a half hour time slot, so I was pretty tight on time. Recording of the stream should be available on the Access Conference Website at some point. Continue reading “Access 2014: We’re All Disabled! Part 2: Building Accessible (Web) Services with Universal Design”

Access 2013: It’s dangerous to go alone! How about *we* do this!?

  • Steve Marks, Nick Ruest, Graham Stewart & Amaz Taufique

Everyone has many of the same needs when looking at digital collections: digitization of collections, mixed types of content, preservation, etc. Continue reading “Access 2013: It’s dangerous to go alone! How about *we* do this!?”

Access 2013: Culture Clash: IT Experimentation, Innovation, and Failure in Libraries

Dale Askey, Mark Jordan, Catherine Steeves, & MJ Suhonos

What is a culture of innovation? Continue reading “Access 2013: Culture Clash: IT Experimentation, Innovation, and Failure in Libraries”