Publishers and the Print Disabled in Canada: Some Get It, Some Don’t

It’s no secret that the print-disabled are a under-supported group. While those who are not print challenged have are able to read all the literature that we understand, print-disabled readers only have access to a small percentage (1-7%) of the world’s published books. There are many efforts underway with:

However, the group that can and does have the most impact on accessibility of books is publishers. Continue reading “Publishers and the Print Disabled in Canada: Some Get It, Some Don’t”

Notes on Recent Presentations

Just wanted to write a quick post to explain what is happening with presentations this and coming months.

Normally, after a presentation, I will put up a blog post with a copy of the slides and script. However, I’ve been asked to do the same presentation for different institutions, and there are so few differences, that rather than doing a full post, I’ve simply made note of the presentations and the differences below. I’ve also not added copies to SpeakerDeck.

While I update my presentations whenever I can, there really haven’t been any new discoveries or anything in the last year around writing accessible content. So I decided to base my slides on last year’s Making Accessible Content Easy and Part of Your Work presentation I did for the University of Pittsburgh.

  • University of Pittsburgh March 2016 presentation. There was a technical issue causing the webinar to not be recorded, so they invited me to redo the presentation this year. I added the squirrel picture at the beginning, changed the wheelchair ramp picture, and took out a link that broke.
  • JIBC March 2016 presentation. Changed all the references to and resources from University of Pittsburgh to JIBC, changed US to Canada statistics, and added the squirrel picture from the 2016 deck.
  • FLW May 2016 presentation. Changed all the references to University of Pittsburgh to Florida Library related ones, changed resource links to general ones, and added the squirrel picture from the 2016 deck. Since this presentation hasn’t happened yet, I’ll update this post later if there are other changes.

Tips and Error Fixing When Using the Save As DAISY Word Plugin

I’ve been using the Save As DAISY Word plugin a lot lately, and while the documentation is pretty good, there are some bugs and other things that pop up. Since the plugin is no longer under development, I thought I would document here some of the workarounds and ways to fix errors caused by existing bugs. Continue reading “Tips and Error Fixing When Using the Save As DAISY Word Plugin”

Tips on Converting PDF to an Accessible Document

I’ve talked about making documents accessible and the editing guidelines, but the more editing I do, the more I realize I save a lot of time because I don’t do all my editing manually. Some of these tips might also help when editing after converting from EPUB and other ebook formats. Continue reading “Tips on Converting PDF to an Accessible Document”

Presentation: Accessibility is About Your Users

This was presented as a guest lecture at Langara College for the Fall 2015, LIBR 2411: Library Technologies and Information Management course in the Library Technician program. The presentation included a number of discussion questions and exercises, which are still noted but the wording has been edited. Please also note that sources are listed in the deck and typically not listed in the write up. Continue reading “Presentation: Accessibility is About Your Users”