So there does exist a document already on this topic, Getting OCLC numbers into your vendor records using MarcEdit but I found the instructions difficult to refer to. I ended up writing my own version with the added instructions on creating a set of MARC records specifically for this purpose. After doing this sort of thing again today, I finally decided to share them. Continue reading “Merging Control Numbers into Records Using MarcEdit”
Code4Lib Day 3: Lightning Talks
Mark Matienzo – Wielding the Whip: Affect, Archives, & Ontological Fusion
- need to talk about emotion – a lot of things going on in my life
- inspired by Archives by Emotion
- why do we not acknowledge that archives are based on emotion, stories
- facebook ‘like’ is not an emotion
- losing connections to materials and history when not thinking about the platform and how that effects our stories
- can we write stories about our collections?
- should be using existing linked data to make those narratives
- let’s build this
- Slides
- Full Write-up
Jason Casden and Cory Lown – My #HuntLibrary
- student engagement platform
- how do students use the space?
- what do they choose to document? – using instagram
- student-drive archival selection
- making use, harvesting social media
- Implemention:
- moderated, responsive
- use for public display, can interactive, including larger public display
- inspired by kitten war: built image battle
- calculate popularity score
- also about preservation, collect images
Steven Anderson – JavaScript Streaming Clientside Checksumming w/ HTML5 file upload
- basic using JavaScript to view checksum
- and then when files are uploaded
- Demo:
- On GitHub
Will Hicks – Metadata Entry Beyond Usability
- think back to volunteering to donate blood, etc. what value did it give you?
- ~300 individuals creating metadata
- stats have bumped up with a new interface
- but 10% of the stuff is hidden
- “usable” forms are great, but little “ownership” and lack of domain expertise
- what if we applied the ideas used in social media?
- invite with openID, personalize projects, badges, stats, visualization, etc.
Kelly Lucas – Drupal OPAC Recipe
- the poor man’s Blacklight or Vufind with Solr backend
- process:
- MARC record dump into Solr using SolrMARC
- install search API, Search API Solr, Facet API, Sarnia and Views from
- configure Sarnia + FacetAPI (boosts, enable facets)
- create a view, add some fields, create an exposed filter (full text search box)
- slap some facets to the side of the page
- issues: new/updated records requires direct connection to ILS
- Slides
Karen Coyle – Nerd Poetry
- cowboy poetry – told around the camp fire
Mark Redar – Django Dublin Core App
- plugin app
- on Github
- RecordExpress – lightweight, easy to use esp. for those not familiar with XML
James Stuart – Taming Email
- a really big problem
- part of your job
- here’s how to tame email
- don’t organize: organizing your email is like alphabetizing your recycling
- turn keyboard shortcuts on
- shortcutFoo
- don’t be distracting
- bookmark
- Also take a look at Making Thunderbird More Gmail-y
No Break! Have a Cute Animal Anyway
Code4lib Day 3: Lightning Talks
David Uspal – Project Grab Bag
Interactive Map
- Javascript baed (for accessibility)
- Data stored in JSON file
- SVG graphic
- Uses the Raphael.js library – just use HTML5 instead
- Search by: ocation, person, call number
- To do:
- decouple from CMS (Concrete 5)
- SVG path generation as a web application
- add more configurable options (colors, etc.)
Tap Tour
- started at the Indianapolis Museum of Art
- easy to create a mobile tour application
- currently iPhone/iPod, plans to expand
- Drupal CMS back-end (new version released 1/25/2012)
Robert Haschart – Adding Publicly-Accessible Hathi Trust Items to Your Solr-based Discovery System
- Assumptions:
- Solr-based index
- SolrMarc used for indexing
- only want publicly-accessible items
- MARC record based with one Solr record per title
- list of Hathi-items and download
- tweak SolrMarc index specification
- add all Hathi records to your index, and adjust interface code to display records correctly
- download daily updates, merge updates
- Code not yet available
Jeremy Nelson – Aristotle a Django based Discovery Layer
- See it in Action
- originally forked from Kochief
- refactored to use Sunburnt for Solr interactions
- developed custom authentication middleware with Millenium
- did web redesign
- Code on Github
Dennis Schafroth – Turbo MARC in YAZ Library
- Problem: XSL transformation on MARC XML is slow
- Rule: combined the element with tag/code value when value is allowed
- Pazpar2 became twice as fast
- a lot faster, but not official standard
Yuka Egusa, Masao Takaku – Recovery of Minamisanriku Town Library from Tsunami Disaster
- implemented technical support for a library system – thanks to OSS and cloud service
- Amazon’s wish list for books needed from supporters
- library can announce library service and daily activities on Facebook
- Next-L Enju OSS search system
Ed Summers –
- Jobs are posted
- Tags allow to see all the jobs with that tag
- OpenID log in
- pushes to twitter @code4lib
- pushes to mailing list
- Code on Github
Christopher Spalding – Search in a Blender
- works for ExLibris
- collect results and sort
- works in VuFind and Solr
Erik Hetzner – Strategy for c4l voting
- majoritarian: top-rated talks are chosen
- no representation for small parties
- each voter gets unlimited votes, 0-3 points
- Plurality-at-large
- 1 vote total
- Cumulative voting
- number of votes up to talks, but can allow multiple votes
- Hacking
- the way done now, reduces to plurality at large
- Fix
- limit points users can assign
- and/or only users to give one vote to teach talk
- or adopt a proportional representation system
- Inspire by Numbers Rule: The Vexing Mathematics of Democracy
Lightning Talks That Didn’t Happen
- Hillel Arnold – Occupy Wall Street Documentation
- Jason Clark – BookMeUp (Book Suggestions App)
- Jason Ronallo – Digital Collections, Crawling, and Aggregating Content
AACR2 and MARC: Rules that Give You Individuality
The last couple of weeks in cataloguing have been on descriptive cataloguing using AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules) rules and MARC (MAchine Readable Code) coding. If ever we think that librarians cannot be decisive, then one area where they can be is cataloguing. Our instructors did not lie about this, and yet, being decisive and being consistent is not entirely the same thing.
Considering the number of rules in AACR2, I was initially under the impression that it would be like APA citation. Essentially, that there is a rule for everything and no matter who does it, it will look the same. Obviously, the areas left for local use (such as most of the MARC fields with a 9) will differ between libraries, as well as specific code classification, but I thought the descriptive part would be uniform. Then I discovered that I was quite wrong.
Title Information or Not?
Despite the numerous rules, there are many areas that leave room for interpretation. One of the items I had for our assignment was a directory for an auto exhibition. The main title was fairly clear, but then I wondered whether the location (the exhibition hall) which was on the title page should be listed as other title information considering it was written underneath the title almost as if it was a subtitle.
Another issue which to consider the primary language (which would be listed first) in a bilingual book. [insert pictures] Would you do it based on the primary language of your library or would you use any other clues you could find? (I used both since the centrefold picture was in the same direction as the primary language of the assignment.)
How much Publisher Information to include?
As publisher information can be from a variety of sources, how much would you include? In the case that there is no (clear) publisher, which is more important? Distributor? Printer? Copyright holder?
In the end, I somewhat made up the statement of responsibility and came up with this:
Taipei : Printed by Wuchou Color Phtoengraving for Taiwan External Trade Development Council [organizer], 2008
Finally, there’s notes. The extend to which it’s filled out and exactly how is up to the cataloguer, which of course means that it will differ. Interestingly, they may not be as different as one might think as there are a far amount of rules surrounding the order, how one might format it, and MARC coding will even separate numerous notes into specific fields. It may be more or less complete, but having looked at various catalogue entries for the same item, they are fairly consistent.
Right or Wrong?
What I begin to wonder is who’s to say which way is right or wrong? Who might be able to say which way is better? I’m starting to think there must be a listserv of some sort for this sort of thing that maybe us students just don’t know about yet…