MozFest 2012: Reflection & Thimble Project Making

Where to even begin? My mind is still reeling from the awesomeness that was MozFest almost a week later. I suppose the best place is for those who aren’t familiar…

What is MozFest?

The Mozilla Festival is an annual weekend event where (mainly) Mozilla Foundation, its affiliates, and others (because anyone can submit proposals) hold sessions (presentation, workshops, or hackfest type sessions) on some of the cool, open things that have been happening. That’s how I see it anyway.

There is a big range of people who attend of different age, background, tech-savvyness, geographic location, everything. I will say that there were different streams, which made some groups more prominent (other than developers), such as journalists and educators.

Science Fair

The digital, technology version of a regular science fair. People got to show off stuff that has been made, especially within the past year since the last MozFest. Highlight for me was definitely the banana piano. Simple, but ingenious use of MakeyMakey with an Arduino unit where you hold the ground and when you touch one of the bananas, it completes the circuit and knows which banana you touched, ultimately playing a sound and animating a digital keyboard.

Opening and Closing Circle – Day 1

I actually don’t have any notes for the plenaries of the day 1. For the first time ever, I felt the need to closed my laptop and just listen. However, the streaming videos are online on the MozFest website.


Gunner at Work Open Session

I didn’t attend very many sessions, because I was busy doing other things much of the time, but two in particular stood out for me.

The first on how to work in the open turned into a particularly interesting session, because Gunner (Allen Gunn) came in to check up on us and asked if we needed anything. The response was “our facilitator”. So while Matt Thompson was “coming”, Gunner stepped in and totally winged a Q&A + discussion session. It was great. You can find my notes in a recent post.

The second was the fireside chat with Mark Surman on the future of Webmaker. It was interesting to hear about the big lessons they learned and the direction in moving forward, especially with Thimble since I’m fairly familiar with it. One of the questions that Mark wanted us to answer in the discussion was what projects (i.e. templates) we could make (either in Thimble or Popcorn) that would be popular. One of the answers inspired me to hack together a new Thimble project (if you’re not familiar with Thimble projects, take a look at the list of Thimble projects). More on that later.

While not exactly a session, I have to mention Codery’s Badge Bingo. They added another fun game factor to collection badges at MozFest, plus they gave away a t-shirt to every person who got bingo. It was great.

Helping Out

So when I wasn’t attending sessions, I was helping out with various things. I did a lot of random, being a gopher type things, and helped with setup and clean up of some sessions. The afternoon of the first day, I hung out to help with the HTML5 Hackable Games session.

I was also a Human API. Basically, people could ask questions, in my case about HTML and CSS stuff. I didn’t get many questions though, so next year, they might need to coordinate to have people with certain skills help out at certain sessions to make better use of the Human APIs.

Demo Party

I didn’t really have anything ready when I submitted my name to be part of the demo party, but what the heck, I figured I’d have something put together even if it wasn’t polished. Since there was a Thimble table, I ended up providing my project as a Thimble example.

Interestingly, I ended up staffing the table by myself, so I got to talk about Thimble in general as well as my project. Apparently, I was good enough and know enough about Thimble that I could pass for a MoFo staff member. ^^

So here’s a summary what I talked about during the demo party in regards to my project:

Hacking Together a New Thimble Project


One of the answers to what might make a popular Thimble project was “school projects”. I immediatly thought of the poster projects we had to make in school and how I really disliked having to print everything, and cut and paste each bit straight (and if you screwed up, having to do it again). Wouldn’t it be so much easier if we could just do a digital version and display it? (or if necessary, print the whole thing off).

Making the Project

I spent a couple of hours putting together a poster thimble project. I wish I had more graphic design/artistic talent, because as it stands, it kind of looks like somthing from the geocities age (ugh), but for me, rather than the look, it was more important to make it so that it’s:

  • easy to use – no CSS and very little HTML required
  • flexible – hackable if you know HTML & CSS

In particular:

  • separate title & footer areas
  • column classes are reused – don’t need to specify first, last, inner, or outer.
  • image classes – text wrap on right or left, or centre with no wrapping
  • works cited area – automatically floats this in bottom right above footer

Since we were at MozFest, I couldn’t help but use red pandas!

To Do

I want to clean it up, insert instructions, and separate the CSS into external and internal blocks. I’d also like to add ways to possibly rotate blocks of text or images.

I’ve also requested from the projects coordinator a small bit of time from a graphics designer to make it look nicer and more professional looking.

Extended Use Case

I created it with school kids (primary and secondary) in mind, but someone mentioned that they would find this useful for university presentation and conference posters as well. I was very happy to hear that they thought it would be useful beyond my original intention.

Other Demos

I took a bit of time to walk around the room and see what else people were up to. The Hackable games section was definitely interesting to see, especially with the one button arcade boxes. The MakeyMakey step visualizer was a crowd draw as well.

For a list of all the demos with links and pictures, check out the MozFest demo party page.

Thanks MozFest

I went to MozFest with the intention of simply hanging out and helping out. I never thought that I’d be inspired to hack anything together, because I’m just not a coder. I was inspired not only by the talks and ideas, but by the attitude and enthusiasm through MozFest. I never thought that I’d even have my project featured first on the demo page.

So, thanks MozFest, and hope to be there next year.

MozFest 2012: Mark Surman on Where Next to Webmaker

Story of Webmaker

4 years ago, where Mozilla has always been clear about its mission. Guard the open nature of the internet. Firefox, for example, was not a browser but a standards play (vs. IE).  The approach was to make a product that people would love to embed a set of value to bring the web platform back.

Can’t just win one thing. What is beyond Firefox? Started a product oriented lab. It came to the idea of FirefoxOS. It’s doing what Firefox did for browsers with mobile. Drumbeat was also set for the more social side in terms of engagement, which came to webmaker.

A platform is not enough to make that writeable web. Need to teach people how to write. Based webmaker on three theories:

  • Best way to get writing is to teach people.
  • Learning is social. Connecting people.
  • Tap into the internet culture.

First part was to build the tools: Thimble, Popcorn Maker. Second part was Summer Code Party which asked people to get together to make and learn (the social side). 650 events in 80+ countries with almost no planning.

What we learned:

  • projects based on popular themes are popular e.g. Thimble lolcat editor (vs. edgecase animals)
  • people have a lot of content online e.g. Popcorn Presidential Attack Ad – by signing in Facebook; Concert video using music and their own pictures
  • Self-identify as educators: Those who want to teach are the first ones to get it. Need to build an army to make a permanent Summer Code Party everywhere.

Existing Popular Ideas to Turn into Starter Projects

  • collaborative scrapbooking
  • viral dubbing
  • wish list from social network putting back out
  • school year book
  • school projects – templates
  • infographics
  • e-cards

Building a Permanent Summer Code Party

  • network on how to build summer code party
  • have more regular ones
  • mentors, ambassadors
  • badges as connectors
  • how to do it without access to web
  • localization

I’ve heard there’s an etherpad with further notes, but no idea what the link is…

MozFest 2012: Opening Circle Day 2

Mark Surman

The theme is creating a writeable society. Need a web that allows us to write, not just read.

MozFest is about inventing that future.

This is a place where we can do it.


Brett Gaylor

Announce the release of Popcorn Maker 1.0 with a screencast.

Wanted to work with people to who co-create the media of the future. At MozFest 2011, PopcornJS 1.0. One release a month to make Popcorn Maker.

Let’s Get Making.

Back to Mark

It’s making an open source cinema.

A whole world of social media that can hack. The next one is to make games that can be hacked. Check out Hackable Games, such as HTML5 2D Hackable Games.


Games are awesome

It’s a huge multi million dollar business. It’s a massively growing business. Most people think about console games, which is a strong part, but the games industry is shifting. It’s becoming more accessible, because technology is changing to make it easier to make games.

Games are powerful in learning, provoking people into action, fun. Can teach about failure, collaboration, hard work, anything and everything.

The whole industry is very young, but built on people who could tinker with code. However, we’ve moved away (for the most part) from encouraging people to create with the building blocks, to solve problems. Some good examples are Scratch and Ouya (hackable console).

We must learn not just how to use programs but how to make them… Program or be programmed.

Get excited and make things.

Back to Mark Surman

At the core of Mozilla’s is to focus on learning. Understandability needs to be integrated so that programming becomes something that everyone can do. Popcorn is a start, and games is the next step.

It’s not sure about shipping a cool product, but also an attitude. Need to bring playfulness, which is what games do.

Joi Ito

Interest-driven learner who found a community through the Internet, but did not have teachers. The tools are now available so that anything can make things.

What we’re doing is very disruptive, because everything we do is political and what we do is scary. We empower others, and it’s great to be fun, but there are people trying to shut us down. We win by creating a movement.

We have to fight to keep the internet open.

Back to Mark

The one punk rock kid in Northern Ontario. What punk rock gave Mark was to make media. Made media with magazines, scissors, and glue.

It’s an attitude that injects fun and builds that movement we need and are. We should build that attitude into everything we make and offer.

That attitude is what is going to bring people in.

F*ck it. Ship It.

MozFest 2012: How to Work Open

by Matt Thompson (absent), so actually Gunner

Processes & Tools

The process and tools, and how things are done should be open. Etherpad – like a google doc. Collaborative, and in Mozilla, tied to conference calls.

Give guidelines, not direction.

Open Philosophy

Some are a little open, but to be truly open, everything is open not just the nice looking bits. For example, the Firefox mailing list is open. The discussion on Chrome “kicking their butts” was a public discussion.

Need to pro-actively report out, especially for offline conversations.


If you’re going to work in the open, it’s about the community. Have to ready to share: ownership, control, everything.

How to contribute from day one. Make a wishlist (e.g. documentation, testing – never done). Ask for things to be added to the wishlist.

Have core community values.


  • Pain
  • Passion
  • Fame
  • Fun

Having a Narrative

Naming the contributors, and having an ongoing story.

Give other voices a channel. Invite others into the narrative. e.g. put someone else’s story into your blog.

Governance Model

Still have to have governance though. Study other successful projects, e.g. wikipedia. Key is a benevolent dictatorship with radical openness.


Risk aversion and fear is failure before even beginning.

Study the licenses and pro-actively license your content. e.g. GPL, Mozilla


Leading with questions to ask one-on-one why they

E-mail and IRC suck.

Best practice is to move to audio/video if the e-mail and IRC is not working.

Setting frame for discussion. Turn it from “Do you want a vitamin?” to “Do you want the orange or purple vitamin?” Another example would be to share only benefits of two choices.

Open Corporations

Use open paradigm. For example, Twitter uses volunteers to localize, so even though it doesn’t use an open platform, it uses an open model.

But propriety, locked down systems are in the process of dying. There are companies that are open software corporations e.g. Firefox, Redhat. What really makes you special is customization, service, etc.

Start internally. It doesn’t need to be open externally. It can open within the organization first.

Learn from Others

Study the successful open companies and organizations.


Model for success, status quo and failure as a win, because you have learned what not to do again.

Think ahead and think aloud.